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Análises recentes de Just Life

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The core gameplay of this game is great. Kill mobs, resurrect them as your minion, they will fight for you till they die then after, you just resurrect what ever bodies are around, creating your undead army.

Why I can not recommend this game at the moment: it just has a lot of bugs and the optimization isn't very good.

1. Your run will end if you pick up a passive/upgrade that changes your skill in someway but only to find out it doesn't work(bugged) and makes that skill useless.

2. Like many 3D Roguelite games, FPS drop during later stages of a run is a large hurdle for many devs to overcome. Most have in place options to lower the graphics, tone down the particle effects and or disable them.

This game has none of those options at the moment of this review. On a decent graphic card, expect to be playing at 15 or less FPS during a mid to long run. It is unplayable once you are at a point where enemies can one hit kill you and you are at less then 10FPS with no way to react in time.
Publicada em 23 de junho de 2024. Última edição em 3 de dezembro de 2024.
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170.6 horas registradas (78.4 horas no momento da análise)
One step forward and 3 step back. With every new update with this game, something is horribly broken in some way.
Publicada em 3 de maio de 2024. Última edição em 1 de junho de 2024.
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57.5 horas registradas (50.1 horas no momento da análise)
Playing this game, I wasn't getting the "Monster Hunter" aspect people where talking about. It didn't feel or played like a Monster Hunter game.

When I finally realized that Granblue Fantasy: Relink reminded me of Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star: Portable, that was when everything finally clicked and made the game more enjoyable once I got into that mind set rather then looking for a Monster Hunter like experience.

If you're looking for a Monster Hunter like game to tide you over till Monster Hunter: Wild release, this is not it. If you're looking for a mission/quest board based co-op game, this game will keep you busy. The only thing hindering you from that gameplay experience is the Main Story quest which you have to do before all the Quest opens up at the quest board.
Publicada em 9 de fevereiro de 2024.
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0.0 horas registradas
This DLC is a Power Fantasy compared to the base game. The Demonic version of the original playable characters are the embodiment of each of their main strength. You'll be beating stages with ease with them.
Publicada em 21 de dezembro de 2023. Última edição em 21 de dezembro de 2023.
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7.3 horas registradas (6.9 horas no momento da análise)
I recommend this game. Action Rougelike Dungeon Crawler game with a bit of Souls like in the mix. The game has a good amount of replay value, from unlocking items to grinding out to the hardest levels.
Publicada em 21 de dezembro de 2023.
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17.7 horas registradas (15.7 horas no momento da análise)
For a deck builder game, this one holds up. There are 3 characters to pick form, each one with a different playstyle and set of cards to build a deck. It listed that each character has 3 different deck to pick from, but for the most part they all play slightly the same in the end. The random Trait tree keep the game fresh every game since there isn't really a set build to follow, aside from to mapping out how to get the strongest traits and hoping there is enough cohesion in the tree to make it worth going after.

My favorite mode in the game is the Hunter mode. It is kinda like a drafting format where you are given standard starter cards then you "open a pack of cards" and pick 1 card from that pack, the rest of the cards you didn't pick get discarded then you get another pack of cards and pick 1 from it again. You do this till you have enough cards to make a deck to play with.

I recommend picking it up on a deep discount. If you see it at 85% off, just give it a try if you like Deck Builder games.

As for the DLC, unless you like an outfit or don't want to forever be stuck wearing the Clown Mask equipment, I don't recommend getting them if you are just starting the game. The DLC comes bundled with 100 Trophy items. Trophy are used to buy game altering equipment for your characters and can be used to buy retries for a failed run.
Publicada em 21 de dezembro de 2023. Última edição em 21 de dezembro de 2023.
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454.8 horas registradas (179.5 horas no momento da análise)
Want to improve your speed reading and reading comprehension skill? Do you like playing solitaire or waiting 15 minutes watching someone else play? Like card game that is decided on a coin flip?

Jokes aside, Master Duel is very free to play friendly. You are given enough resources to make a top tier deck as a new player or waste it on decks/cards that you like. Before you spend any of your free gems, you have to decide on what type of player you are.

Are you the type that wants to win at any cost and will only use what ever the current Meta deck is or are you the type the just want to have fun and play nostalgic deck/cards?

You only have enough to do one or the other with your starting freebie resources. That said, the game is very generous with the amount of free gems you can receive, so you will be able to get enough gems to pull cards to make new deck as you continue to play.

*This part is for all the Old Guards/People who played Yu-Gi-Oh! back in their school days:
If you played Yu-Gi-Oh! a long time ago and want to get back into it, how the game is currently being played is nothing like how you remembered it.

If you think setting a Monster and a few Spells/Traps on the field is the best opening play, you will be in for a rude awakening when your opponent special summons 20 times in a row and end their turn on a few monsters with the effect of "Negate a card effect" primed to go on your turn.

The best way I can describe how modern Yu-Gi-Oh! is played, it is like a Tower Defense game. If you are going first, you want to set up your field to either withstand your opponent plays next turn or set up a field to make it harder for them to do/play anything.

If you are going 2nd, you want to break your opponent field and or while it is your opponent starting turn, you play cards that allow you to interact and hinder their plays to make it easier for you to break their defense on your turn.

(The cards I'm referring that interact and hinder your opponent during their turn are grouped as "Hand Traps", as a new player, you should look up what they are and how they are used. They for the most part, are not optional and will be required to be in your deck)

The best tip I can give new players is, just read your opponent cards during your duel then go back to watch the replay and read them again if you don't understand the cards. It will be daunting and confusing but doing so will make you a better player. Like I said above in the opening joke of the review, doing so will improve your speed reading and reading comprehension skill.
Publicada em 21 de dezembro de 2023. Última edição em 21 de dezembro de 2023.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
7.6 horas registradas (3.5 horas no momento da análise)
*With the latest patches, aiming with the mouse is in a better spot then it was during launch. So a lot of reviews about the mouse acceleration and dead zone are a bit outdated. Just go into the setting and set "Variable Perspective speed" to off.

If you are the creative type that like to build and create elaborate things while also wanting some kind of playground to use said creation, this is the game for you. If you can dream of a mech design, chances are you can make it in this game.

Want to make a mech with more Dakka then Gundam Heavyarms and Full Armored Unicorn? It is very possible to do so in Custom Mech Wars. 6 Gatling guns, 4 Bazooka, and enough missile pods to fire a 30 missile volley with each lock on, what you can make and do is near endless.

Now for the con. If you are just looking for a shoot'em up type of game or horde shooter, this game is not for you. This is not Armored Core 6 nor is it Earth Defense Force. The best way I can describe the gameplay difficulty is, Child friendly but can get frustrating at times due to damage spike during higher game difficulty if you aren't prepared. Highly recommend skipping to hard mode as soon as you have your custom mech loadout up and running. The game on Normal is just dull.
Publicada em 21 de dezembro de 2023.
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9.3 horas registradas (7.8 horas no momento da análise)
I had a lot of fun with this game, but had to stop myself from playing it. With this game, it is so easy to lose track of time, and by the end of my "Just one more run," I realized it had been 4 hours and I hadn't fed the cat yet, who was now clawing at the food container.
Publicada em 11 de novembro de 2022.
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0.8 horas registradas (0.5 horas no momento da análise)
You're going to cheat and learn new words. Example: Google what word has I,L,A,G. SILAGE

Silage: grass or other green fodder compacted and stored in airtight conditions, typically in a silo, without first being dried, and used as animal feed in the winter.
Publicada em 31 de dezembro de 2020.
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