
FPSB|Joe zombie 最近的評論

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5 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
1 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 27.4 小時
Maybe I just played it wrong but I am not sure why you would pick this game over any of the other three games people claim it grabs its influences from (Terraria, Factorio, Stardew Valley). It has aspects from all three but does not particularly execute them all well or with cohesion. The progression and difficulty scaling seemed a off. We were able to beat the final boss on hard without exploring every biome or defeating every optional boss. But random mobs like the tentacle and variations could one shot us all the time. After beating the final boss we thought there might be a part / phase 2 to the world but was just hit with the final credits and a bit of disbelief. Not sure, maybe just too old and grouchy for this game. Visually the game looked okay but there is no ultrawide support so that was a blower for me. Also I kept losing my crosshair while playing Mage, the game should natively support crosshair color customization, I should not need to download a mod have this feature. Finally, playing a Mage sucked, why do I have to grind to level up magic when the entire playthough I only used a magic staff. I got more points in vitality and range using the staff than in magic.
張貼於 2024 年 11 月 27 日。 最後編輯於 2024 年 11 月 27 日。
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29 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
4 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 51.9 小時 (評論時已進行 34.7 小時)
If you love collecting rocks and scanning things, this is the game for you. I bought this recently on sale, many years after initial release, so I imagine the game has improved quite a lot since then. But I can only recommend this game as a mostly single-player experience. Multiplayer seems like mostly an afterthought, with large amounts of de-syncing. It is not a good feeling when you search for a resolution for a specific bug and the community replies to just turn off all multiplayer functionality. Additionally, ship combat and flight controls feel weak but I guess this is okay for the target audience; if you're use to flying your ship like a mad-man in Elite Dangerous, you'll be disappointed. I would even say that the flight controls in Freelancer (2003) feel more responsive. Base building is kinda lame when it comes to terraforming, you'll see all the terrain regenerate and clip into your structures but some of the community insists that this is okay and "working as designed". So as I've seen other suggest, build upwards to overcome this. Finally, getting the frigate so early feels like it defeats the purpose of a planet-side base. When I can just build a max level refinery on my frigate, why bother going through the phases at the base, plus having to power them. The games strengths lie in its exploration and rock collection.
張貼於 2023 年 12 月 21 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 8.4 小時
My friends make me be the Captain and when we have 1 little tiny crash, I never hear the end of it.
張貼於 2023 年 11 月 21 日。
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總時數 122.6 小時 (評論時已進行 88.2 小時)
Kojima you have done it again, I'll have what I'm having. This game is a true delight to the senses. You will not regret this experience; the themes that Kojima touches on and the provided commentary through the world building, really covers every aspect of our modern society. Keep on keeping on!
張貼於 2023 年 7 月 3 日。
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總時數 43.4 小時
The ultimate Spider-man experience. Only had a few technical issues, crashes early on and bad HDR (leave it disabled). Seems like DLSS is the best option for anti-aliasing with good performance but it does create minor smearing/ghosting on moving objects. Excelsior!
張貼於 2023 年 6 月 4 日。
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總時數 21.1 小時
The story and dialogue were good. I was impressed by some of the idle conversation but sometimes the combat conversation would be a bit much and get repetitive. I liked the visuals and facial animations; performance was good with DLSS enabled. Game is a bit old now but there are still some minor bugs; the crew phasing through elevator platforms, getting stuck in geometry, at one point it seemed like I got teleported to the next section in a chapter abruptly, and clearing a room of enemies but the game refusing to allow me to progress. Glad I got it on sale, so the bugs did not bother me too much. Good game and Cosmo is the goodest boy.
張貼於 2023 年 5 月 27 日。
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總時數 76.0 小時
Would not go as far as calling this a Freelancer successor, definitely inspired or at least contains many similar aspects. I think maybe comparing this game against Freelancer does it a bit of a disservice in some aspects, since it raises my nostalgia-based expectations, but it did get me to buy this game. Overall a good game. Story is simple but enjoyable and the band of characters are interesting. I enjoyed the dialogue/banter between the HIVE unit and pilot. Although, not the most complex writing/dialogue. A bit sparse in terms of liveliness, not many ship loitering around and not much communication between NPC ships. Visually the game was very pleasing, although HDR was totally broken and at max settings I did need DLSS to stay at 144 fps at 1440p.
張貼於 2023 年 5 月 24 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 47.0 小時
As Date-san once said "In for a penny, in for a pound." If you have played 0, (maybe) 1, and 2; might as well keep going for the story. Graphics-wise this remaster looks okay on 1080p, not sure about higher resolutions. The main story was good but near the end had some small issues. Most of the substories were decent. Now for my grievances... Not going to say anything new here but the combat really sucks the fun out of the game. Just really love the constant blocking that gives bosses almost full immunity. Also appreciate how easy it is to get knocked down / stunned and then repeatedly stunned. The street thugs were a nuisance, yes they were in the previous games as well but in this game they love to run up and engage in a dialogue with you, wasting time. Plus, in past games you could sweep them in 3 button presses by using a bike or whatever object laying around, in this game these objects felt almost completely useless. The host club was a snoozer, might as well have been a capsule hotel mini-game since I was falling asleep in my chair trying to play it. Finally, don't waste your time like me collecting the locker keys past whatever the first achievement is (I think collecting 5 or so) since there's no achievement for opening all the lockers. Just really loved the gimmicky first-person camera mechanic for finding the keys. Overall... I give this remaster a 5/10, don't think I'll ever be replaying it. Sayonara aniki.
張貼於 2023 年 1 月 13 日。
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1 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 79.9 小時
This game is great, I understand that a lot of people had some fatigue playing this game after going through 0 and 1 but I did not have that issue. The secret was just skipping Yakuza Kiwami 1 LOL. There is a recap in 2 and from what I heard from my nakama I did not miss much anyway. I gotta say, for some reason the fighting seemed a bit off / limited versus 0 but no major complaints. Always enjoy running the club; really wished those 1-1 dates were skippable, major yawn-fest. For Majima Construction I initially found it to be pretty bad, then I did some arena and discovered you could actually recruit the people you beat up, which was great. Once I got my all-star line up the game mode when from stinky to just boring but hey had to beat to get the last few substories unlocked. To conclude, really liked the story of this one and if you like yakuza 0 you will like 2. Arigatou gozaimashita.
張貼於 2022 年 12 月 16 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 15.2 小時
I never played the original since it was out only for consoles but I had fun playing this remaster. A very humorous and easy going game. I think this game is just long enough to not be too much of a repetitive drag. Some of the challenges were a bit frustrating but I was able to overcome all of them at the end of the game after obtaining all upgrades. I did see one negative review before purchasing saying the the final boss was too difficult / impossible to beat, with the assumption that perhaps it was only possible by grinding out full upgrades but I did not find that to be the case. One final positive note is that I enjoyed the VAs for Pox and Crypto. I have three negatives for this game. First, the constant stuttering in some of the larger zones like Capitol City and Union Town. Even when running the game off a SSD it seems like there is just issues quickly loading content in those larger zones. Second, the fog in Union Town is a real FPS killer and I did not see an option to disable it. Finally, a few / rare Unreal engine crashes, I got a couple assertion failures while the game was trying to decompress (the PAK file) some sort of needed asset(s) in Capitol City; this may also play into some of the stuttering.
張貼於 2022 年 11 月 26 日。
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