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Közzétéve: 2016. jún. 3., 14:05
Frissítve: 2016. jún. 3., 14:06

So I played this game for the first time a year ago (2015) and fell in love with it. Naturally, I had to buy it on Steam when it was on sale and play it again, and I still feel it's the best game I have ever played.

The music is phenomenal and every song that has been created by Uemetsu is beautiful
The characters and story and worldbuilding is just great and is easily accessible by anyone, not a single aspect of the games story is bad IMO
The gameplay is just so much fun, and I'm someone who doesn't even usually like turn based games, but the ATB system works so well that you're always on your toes trying to figure out when to use an attack and it doesn't truly feel turn based.
I love this game so much that I played until I got 100% achievements, which is something I rarely do on games unless they're easy to achieve!

Also since it's on PC, there are great mods to improve the graphics and music, and on my second playthrough, they made the game feel like a whole new experience.

If you're a fan of RPGs, Final Fantasy or just gaming in general, this game is one that needs to be played.
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