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Évaluations récentes de Jake The Dog

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46.7 h en tout (32.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's like chess but way cooler in every way possible and then some.
Évaluation publiée le 16 avril 2024.
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65.7 h en tout (59.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is incredible. All I ask if that you add kb/m support for PS5 and Xbox X, just lock the input before the game starts so you only match with other kb/m players if crossplay is off
Évaluation publiée le 5 janvier 2024.
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0.6 h en tout
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
This game seems to be well built but it's very frustrating that I can't change the controls as the DJI I own has an entirely different control scheme.
Évaluation publiée le 9 septembre 2023.
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55.9 h en tout (42.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Évaluation publiée le 3 juillet 2023.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.9 h en tout
This game is ass as of this current moment. The snipers are out damaged by every single gun in the game from any distance, and the pistol is completely worthless as you have to put 2 full clips into someone to kill them. The scout class is utterly useless and provides nothing to the team unless maybe you buy better operators. This game is also probably pay to win as you I'm pretty sure can BUY better characters with more health, damage, and abilities that actually work. The stamina mechanic is also pretty lame. I understand keeping your current stamina into the next round however if you DIE you shouldn't come back with the same amount of stamina, the recharge rate is also unnecessarily slow. I regret to say that I was super excited to play this game but alas, it sucks. Also the LMG/Support class absolutely melts anyone from any range, further making the scout useless. (I was sniping him for 16 damage to the chest while I got incinerated to put it into perspective). ALSO IMPORTANT, the Main Menu UI is awful, everything is super confusing and cluttered, sometimes you have to randomly double click to select certain options. On the bright side, the graphics are pretty good considering this just came out and is free to play. What can I say? It's pretty to look at. Sorry about the long review and yes I only played for an hour because I was really trying to force myself to have fun but as the Scout i just couldn't :(

Needless to say I will be returning to this game in the future to hopefully have some fun and actually be a useful teammate as the Scout.
Évaluation publiée le 20 avril 2023.
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326.0 h en tout (177.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Pure fun
Évaluation publiée le 22 janvier 2022.
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191.2 h en tout (77.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Awesome Gameplay!
Évaluation publiée le 28 novembre 2021.
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23.8 h en tout (23.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Although this game has a high learning curve, it's one of the if not *the* best battle royale I've ever played. It's full of lightly competitive play if you don't want to play against 99 sweats in any other BR type. With a maximum of 10 players and the option to play as a show director, throwing events and drops into the match, it truly is a great one of a kind BR experience.
Évaluation publiée le 27 juillet 2020.
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56.0 h en tout (49.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's just awesome
Évaluation publiée le 4 juillet 2020.
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