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3 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
It's a survivors-like that does what a survivors-like needs to do. UI's a little basic, but the gameplay loop is very fun to get into. Upgrades and text could be better in terms of formatting, but nothing you can't figure out on your on over time. What's great is the variety in playable characters and their passives, which helps compensate the somewhat small weapon pool, also helps that weapons gain enough effects to truly differentiate them.

Overall enjoyable, and exactly what I like seeing as a first project. Tho slow/no updates after may does kinda blow, but what's there is worth the cost nonetheless
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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73.3 hrs on record (72.4 hrs at review time)
Game's fun.
Soundtrack's great.
There's daily challenges, and a fun community around that.

What's not to love?

-Sponsored by the steam awards 2023, thanks for being the game I played the most this year, probably (ignoring my gacha game addiction)
Posted 27 November, 2023.
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353.6 hrs on record (93.1 hrs at review time)
Memory leak fix when?

I like running around and whatnot, combat's also pretty fun, though controller support is kinda arse, and as a controller player, can't recommend to these people.

Otherwise, like how much stuff there is to do, though I joined on launch, so GL to new people
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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9.3 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
It's free and it's fun, go play it.

As a game it's good, maps are pretty well charted, visuals are awesome and songs are great.
The intro cutscene's current version is also something you gotta experience at least once, especially if you do the hard mode version, that makes it very cool.

I do appreciate the addition of a difficulty "Unbeatable" and do worry since all songs have a map for all difficulties (which there is a semi-large amount), which might mean the final game will take awhile, tho I'm biassed because i exclusively play on the highest difficulties.

Would rate 5 stars once they finish adding mroe keybinding options, since I'm a controller player.

Sponsored by steam awards 2021
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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20.3 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Not even close to beating this game yet, but the little I've played has been a blast, plays really well, just takes some getting used to. But once you understand it, it's great.

This post was sponsored by Game of the Year awards for [redacted]
P.S. this game will be known to me as Cicini battle network forever, thank you.
Posted 27 November, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
27.3 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
This is a very cool metroidvania that does the time stop mechanic really well. The game isn't that long, as i was able to finish the main game (not doing the extra stage) within a 3 hour stream. But the game feels great and looks gorgeous, especially when the effects kick in. While i did find the extra stage to be a bit annoying with the onslaught of enemies, it did well as a "true" final stage. The game controls super well (on controller at least) and throws many different challenges at you, with a pretty decently sized map.

I definitively feel a want to replay everything, both for getting the achievements i missed (since i started in the early access) and also because every time i play, it still feels fresh and very satisfying.

-Sponsored by steam Nominations
Posted 29 November, 2019.
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63.2 hrs on record (25.7 hrs at review time)
When I first heard the music, I was required to purchase this game

~20hours in, I beat all b-sides. that was done in 2-3 weeks.
This game is really, really fun. Well, i'm a fan of difficult games, so please keep that in mind.
From the start of the game, I knew I would like it, from the way it teachs its mechanics, to, what I consider, great pixel art, and the difficult but someone what easy to solve challenges. Then I got the b-side for chapter 2, and beat it. then went to chapter 3, then 4, 5, all the way to the summit, beating all b-sides on the way. and before I knew it, I started the c-sides. the difficulty curve is acceptable, I feel, and it doesn't get so confusing that you have to look up guides (well, maybe for the blue hearts).

This is a game for platformer fans (I won't say hardcore, as I am more of a RPG fan), it's really well done and provides a good challenge (though some people might say it's not hard enough), and i really like that.
But then life came and i never got to finishing all c-sides, only the first 6. i have 30hours on my account as this game runs pretty well on my laptop at max settings (8gbs of RAM), and i play offline a bunch.

I'm sure I'll beat all c-sides, though golden strawberries are another story, one day.

This was my experience with the game, it controls well on controller, feels really nice and smooth, and the feeling of beating a level after an hour, it was well worth the time.

-This post is sponsored by the steam awards november 2018

Went back after awhile, beat all the c-sides. They were a blast (Chap 8 is quite a thing). Trying out some golden strawberries, quite difficult.

-This edit is sponsored by team hare 2019
Posted 22 November, 2018. Last edited 30 June, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
31.4 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
playtime when writing this review : 8h
latest area : fungus and jellyfish place
latest boss : hornet 1
recommended by : Nate Guy Bestman
Enjoyment : Yes

Note : you could probably get further in less time with : more skill, and don't watch a movie while playing like i did.
If you dislike : being penalised for dying more than once, slight delay if using bluetooth controller (at least for me), then be wary of this game
If you like : controls that feel great (on controller), cool atmosphere and art, then push this game up the wishlist
Posted 23 November, 2017.
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172.5 hrs on record (40.8 hrs at review time)
I saw this game a while back but never gave it too much attention then when I finally decided I would try it out I immediatlly got addicted as i love bullte hells, a week later I got the DLC and i would say its amazing and im sad i didnt get the game earlier, and im really happy it wourks on my laptop, (which most games cant be played properly) its just slower (which helps...) overall the story is interesting if you pay attention but the gameplay is the best for a someone who loves platformers and difficult games i also love the art style of pixel art and anime i would recomend anyone who enjoys difficult games and want a starter point for vns if its your thing.
Sorry for any missplellings as i usually use french

edit: also on a laptop you can get lots of lag so expect time dialation

came back after a few months, still as good as when if first tried, it also seems to be running better on my laptop, so props to the devs, and the halloween update was grest
Posted 30 August, 2016. Last edited 23 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries