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Reseñas recientes de JFloUnknown

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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
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It's like when your parents hinted at you getting that awesome Batman Lego set you've been wanting for Christmas, but on that day when you run downstairs in your batman pjs at 8am and see the cookies and milk gone and start tearing through wrapping paper like it killed your parents, and when you shake the one box that you know for sure is what you've been waiting for and you open it up and your eyes go wide as your parents smile at you and ask you if you're happy with what Santa bought you and you have tears in your eyes because it's not a Batman Lego set, but a bloody Mega Bloks set that is not fun, that has no characters, or story, or any of the fantastic things you imagined you could do, that makes you do nothing but grind over and over and over again on an endless pointless venture until you have a realization you feared would come one day... that maybe, you would actually have more fun outside. You're parents seeing your despair decide to take back the toy to the store, but it's too late... the damage is done...

But in all seriousness the developers advertised and promised features in both the trailer and interviews that would be in the game (such as multiplayer) that were not. They prettied up their trailer to look like more than it was. It is full of flaws and crashes constantly for no reason.
My laptop runs i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz 16.0 GB RAM NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 860M. All my other games run without a hitch on nearly the highest settings. This game is like a slideshow most of the time on low settings and doesn't work without my laptop plugged in. I wasted hours just trying to get the game running in the first place.

If they can get past the bugs, eventually edit in all the missing things they promised us, and drop the price by a bit then I would say it is worth purchasing, but as is I'm telling you as of now, stay away.
Publicada el 28 de agosto de 2016. Última edición: 28 de agosto de 2016.
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