Illest Abyss
Seraphim   Washington, United States
Also known as Pvt. Baldrick, Skiliner, and a multitude of other names.

Vetrina degli achievement più rari
RISEMittens 27 ott 2016, ore 2:45 
pharah > tracer
RISEMittens 20 apr 2016, ore 8:03 
RIP Ham Sola
RISEMittens 1 apr 2015, ore 1:25 
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Dangit Bobbeh, I tell ya hwat, you just got visited by the friendly propane man
If you don't post this in 5 comment sections you'll suffer pro-pain
Ceal92 11 giu 2013, ore 20:13 
I am supposed to comment on a friends profile to get some little achievement so bam
Illest Abyss 16 ago 2012, ore 7:15 
This man was last seen wandering the forests of Azeroth, dazed and confused, mumbling about some strange mages, and brightly colored mushrooms.
In his dazed state he mistook a Worgen for his pet bear, and was beaten to death brutally after he tried to put a saddle on the Worgen, and ride him back to "the magical mushroom palace"