The Real   Basilicata, Italy
Casual Modder
if your a bot/scammer, please die :cozybrawlhalla1:
i play and mod games casually, and in funny ways, not like a competitive fatherless figure :steamfacepalm:
Trade Offer :crate:
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I don't use Twitter, if you see me there it's probably fake/hacked

Old Stuff - Cringe prob
L4D2 Stream Partecipation Troll:
Iron Cauldron 1. Nov. um 13:53 
Hello my friend,
I see that we had the same idea of driveable tanks ^^ i would like an collaboration :D
Medion Product 21. Aug. um 5:44 
what the hell is hl2 stalker talkin about twice:csgoskull::csgoskull:
Folabi Pulabi 29. Juli um 8:02 
bro got rage baited tripled loolololol dxdxdxdxd
Alien31 29. Juli um 8:01 
what the hell is the hl2 stalker talkin about :ccskull:
Folabi Pulabi 29. Juli um 8:00 
bro got rage baited twice lololol xdddxdxdd
Woozie 25. Juli um 6:53 
happ b-day:GoatCapybara: