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0.0 hrs on record
Heti ensin, älä osta tätä ennenkuin olet valmis testaamaan NOPEUTTASI aikaa vastaan!

Tässä DLC:ssä on ideana kuunnella Bozakin ohjeita, ja suorittaa tehtävät annetussa ajassa, tehtäviin sisältyy mm. Zombien tappamista, pommien purkamista, juoksemista pisteeltä pisteelle, Bolterien jahtaamista, kanisterien heittämistä.

Omasta mielestäni tämä oli mukava DLC, olen yrittänyt monta kertaa päästä läpi, ja aina se on yhtä haasteellinen.
Saat kuolla kolme kertaa ennenkuin sinun täytyy aloittaa alusta. Ehdottomasti hauskempaa useamman pelaajan kanssa.
Posted 13 December, 2015.
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661.0 hrs on record (65.5 hrs at review time)
Ehdottomasti paras Zombie peli mitä löytyy Left 4 Dead 2:sen jälkeen. Pelaa tarinaa maksimissaan 3 muun kaverin kanssa. Avoin pelimaailma antaa paljon pikkupelattavaa NCP hahmoista Zombieiden mätkimiseen. Tarinaa on haukuttu moneen kertaan, mutta se ei peliä pilaa. Olen henkilökohtaisesti ollut todella tyytyväinen ostokseeni. Ehdoton hankinta Zombie fanille!
Posted 3 November, 2015.
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17.9 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
Absolutely awesome game, no problems at all! Love it!
Here's huge amount of side quests, blueprints for weapons, hundreds of costumes and clothes, and what's the best, millions and millions of zombies!
Posted 12 October, 2014.
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1.8 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 12 July, 2014.
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75.8 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Awesome!! Really minds me from Original Carmageddon!
Posted 29 March, 2014.
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107.2 hrs on record (51.5 hrs at review time)
Absolutely a great game with couple of friends! Must buy for a Zombie fans! =)
Posted 29 November, 2013.
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24.7 hrs on record (18.0 hrs at review time)
Absolutely a must buy if you know about some classic Tomb Raiders or even some new ones!
No doubt about being the best Tomb Raider so far! :)
Posted 2 January, 2013. Last edited 23 December, 2013.
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282.3 hrs on record (269.0 hrs at review time)
Absolutely a must buy for an massive orc slaying fan! There's a HUGE list of traps, weapons, trinkets, vanities and guardians which you can buy with skulls you get by winning maps.

Also, with DLC packs, you'll get hours and hours of funny orc slaying with your best friends! I think the DLC are a must get if you like this game, each pack adds 3 new maps, bunch of new weapons/traps. You'll also get some endless maps.

As you play with your friend, you progress in the singleplayer as well, and your friend of course also does. Every chanllenge can be done again, again and again.

Speaking about endless, its a game mode where you keep facing orcs, and you'll just have to kick their ass as long as you can, while tougher and thougher enemies keeps coming. When you've lost all your "rift points" you'll lose, same is in Story and Nightmare mode.

Over 200 hours and counting... !
Posted 29 November, 2012. Last edited 23 November, 2016.
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24.1 hrs on record (19.4 hrs at review time)
Törkeän hieno peli. Loistava tarina, paljon juonenkäänteitä, ja mikä lopetus! 92/100!
Posted 21 November, 2012.
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219.4 hrs on record (170.2 hrs at review time)
Juu, ukkoo vaa kasaa ni kyl se siit. 9/10
Posted 23 June, 2012.
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