Dom. 266   United States
:MXGP3flag::MXGP2019flag: I ride a RMZ so you don't have to! :MXGP3ok:

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Eutrophic Sea *Updated*
242 17 1
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2.729 ore in totale
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67 ore in totale
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353 ore in totale
Ultimo avvio: 3 nov
DeD⚙m 15 ott, ore 18:09 
Vibin In Hawaii? 15 ott, ore 16:00 
make a comeback
MCRxxDirelyUsingController 22 set, ore 22:45 
oh me oh my, you are the adorablest thing ever, my mister :] glad to see you online.. even though I am sitting right next to you. x]
DeD⚙m 18 lug 2023, ore 23:12 
Nice to hear from you man! :2016gameingame:
misterwings 6 giu 2023, ore 0:14 
Hey, I was just going through my old screenshots for a memory lane trip and I saw you commented on some of my old ones such as this.

I actually remember this moment and you as an old friend back when I was young, wanted to say thanks for being one my first early friends, I think we had a fight eventually and that caused us to depart as friends due to an action I probably said or did but that's all in the past. Whatever you're doing now hope life's all good bro, stay safe king. :winter2019coolyul:
JamesTheWiz 20 ago 2022, ore 7:49 