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Скорошни рецензии на Tribal_Guy

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54.1 изиграни часа
I sadly have thousands of hours in game and it means a lot to me as it is a really fun multiplayer experience but for those actually curious this game has a lot of fun class and weapons some better than others with some being outright useless but still fun this game is really old but in my opinion still holds up too this day due to the art-style non the less but as the years go by there is less and less support for the game and the community is either some of the nicest people you'll mean playing an online video game and some who are completely brain dead and honestly take away from the experience from the game and that sucks I guess and I will address the elephant in the room this game is infested with bot and cheaters actively trying to ruin the game cause I guess its funny to them and the devs are not doing much even with the most recent update making the player counts the highest in the games history but i do not see the issue really being solved as most likely with the most recent update being somewhat lazy and not checked for easily found exploits but this game in the state that it is I can not recommend this game as once the crazy from the update dies down the bots will return taking over game and ruining the fun and no community servers can replicate casual because they are either too gimmicky or uncle topia (tryhards) so please valve update Team Fortress 2 no content updates are completely fine not even a balance patch for broken weapons just an update that will fix the bots possibly a new anti cheat system (also let free to pays talk that will be cool :))
Публикувана 17 юли 2023.
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881.1 изиграни часа (666.1 часа по време на рецензията)
man the last boss was really fun and you get some okay loot. The Jack fight was also cool and I even got his mask lets go next up is the Terramorphous the Invincible wish me luck!
Публикувана 29 май 2023.
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118.1 изиграни часа (6.2 часа по време на рецензията)
I sold an australium sniper rifle to play this game
Публикувана 25 октомври 2022.
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4.0 изиграни часа (2.7 часа по време на рецензията)
I like it, its a fun time and more should play it
Публикувана 9 април 2022.
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