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Senaste recensioner av IbolyaColorHead

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1.0 timmar totalt
Marie's Room

It's a very short story driven exploration game.
We are Kelsey and we're in Marie's Room finding pieces of the story.

The game is very beautiful. It looks great and the atmosphere is really well done! Also the voice actor for Kelsey was lovely to listen to.

While you're walking around in the room you're finding objects and attached to each object is a piece of the story. The story is being told in no particular order which makes it a little bit difficult to fully understand everything at first. But this also makes you very curious and intrigued to find out what happened.

I was honestly not expecting the ending of this game. Because if it were me, that definitely wouldn't have happened! So I guess maybe Marie is a bigger person than I am?

One thing I disliked about the game that sometimes it was pretty difficult to figure out which objects were clickable and which ones weren't. You had to be REALLY upclose for it to be triggered.

Achievement wise this game is really easy. Except for 1 that requires you to dig a little deeper.

I'd give this game a 6/10
It's a great game with a very intriguing story. The downside is just that it's very short.
Upplagd 31 december 2023.
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7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
13.3 timmar totalt

It's a puzzle game about a Mommy polarbear who keeps losing her child and we need to help her get back to him!

First things first, I don't know who's fault it is that these 2 keep getting separated but if it's the kids fault someone should put him on a leash!
Because after solving 150 puzzles I'm quite done with his shenanigans!

Jokes aside this game is great!
The art is super cute! The game mechanics are relatively simple but that's not bothersome at all.
Some puzzles you fix in lightning speed and others make you stay stuck for at least 45 min! This game made me both feel good and bad about my skills in the puzzle department!

Along the way of getting to your child you meet 2 other people who are also in desperate need of rescue! Eventhough seal can swim and puffin can fly! Lazy bums!
There are also the orcas who like making things more difficult for you.
The game talks about narwals and shrimp as well but I haven't seen those pop up at all. Now I don't know if that's due to the fact that I had already opened up the entire map or not. Another possibility is also that they were only there for the story in between but I don't know.

The achievements in this game are all extremely straight forward except for 1 which I managed to get on accident.

I'd rate this game a 8/10!
The game gave me more puzzles than I expected and I really enjoyed my time playing this!
Upplagd 30 december 2023.
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11.4 timmar totalt (11.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Manitas Kitchen

This game is about a T-Rex named Trexito, aka Trexie, and they have a dream! To become a pizza baker!
Their brother, Alpadino, is gonna help them achieve that dream!

The art style of the game is super cute! Who doesn't melt when they see a T-Rex carry a pizza on its nose? I especially love the design of Freckles! Gotta love them and their personality!
As cute as the game might look there's some element to the story what makes it a little less cute.
I had my suspicion at first but the further the dialogue got my suspicion got confirmed! (Keeping this as cryptic as possible, you'll figure it out!)

Since I've played this game before it got officially released, there are still some bugs here and there.
- Like the timers with the special abilities are slightly off.
- The dialogue from story progress replays when you get a night shift.
- Some typos here and there.
- The 4 cheese pizza isn't able to get torched by Marsh.
But regardless these small, very easy to fix bugs, the game is great!

However, after all the good stuff there's one thing I dislike about the game.
Since this game is basically doing the same thing over and over again you'd think it'd get redundant really fast. That's not necessarily the case. It only starts to feel that way once you can't buy any new ingredients or upgrades anymore. At the beginning of the game you have something to work towards but once you've done all that you're only waiting for the story to continue. And this is the part where the game can get pretty boring. You're building up so much cash for absolutely nothing. I wish that after the last sabotage the story would progress 200% faster. It feels useless to let us wait for so long.

All with all I'd give this game a 8/10
The story is pretty fun, Freckles is bea, and gameplay itself is really great to just chill with!
Upplagd 16 december 2023.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.1 timmar totalt
Cats hidden in Jingle Jam

This game is a hidden object game. Or rather, a hidden cat game!

You search for 100 cats in a hand drawn black and white illustration.
The game is very simple and it will only cost you like 5 minutes of your time.
It's great to play with your kids and introduce them to videogames.

The cats meow when you find them. And there are some pretty funny meows in there!

But also great for achievement hunters!
Each cat you find is an achievement. There's no easier way to get those stats up!

I love playing these type of games with my son and therefor I'll rate the game with a 6/10
It's not bad at all just very short.
Upplagd 6 december 2023.
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13 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
0.2 timmar totalt
Cats hidden in Paris

This game is a hidden object game. Or rather, a hidden cat game!

You search for 100 cats in a hand drawn black and white illustration.
The game is very simple and it will only cost you like 5 minutes of your time.
It's great to play with your kids and introduce then to videogames.

The cats meow when you find them. And there are some pretty funny meows in there!

But also great for achievement hunters!
Each cat you find is an achievement. There's no easier way to get those stats up!
If you're like me you might miss the last achievement. Which is rather silly really since you really don't have to miss it. But they tell you to look for cats so that's what you do!

I love playing these type of games with my son and therefor I'll rate the game with a 6/10
It's not bad at all just very short.
Upplagd 1 december 2023.
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8 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
5.2 timmar totalt (4.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Murder Is Game Over: Streaming Death

This game is the second game in the Murder Is Game Over series. This time Detective Guy and his clue sniffing dog Cleo are solving the murder of E-girl Pearl.

I was super excited to play this game! I loved the first one so I had high hopes for the sequel! And I did not get disappointed!

As much as I loved the game there was one thing I just couldn't get over. Which is the fact they called the victim E-girl Pearl. They could've given her every other name! Literally anything would've been better. I associate the word E-girl with the woman who sells her bath water and it disgusts me. But since she's the one who got killed made it a whole lot better. Still tho, I had an instant aversion towards that woman.

Just as I wrote in the review about the first game, the same problems I'm having here as well:
- Walking with the arrow keys feels extremely off. I'd very much prefer it to be WASD. Because you also use your mouse so my hands are just too close to eachother.
- It'd be nice if we could open the map with M instead of having to go to the menu first and open it through there.

They're all easy to get! You're able to do then all in one playthrough if you read them beforehand. I usually never do this and therefor most of the time have to do a second playthrough to get the ones I've missed.

Overall I give this game a 7/10
Eventho the game has some things I personally would like to see different, it doesn't affect the gameplay and it's still perfectly enjoyable!
Upplagd 19 november 2023.
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13.1 timmar totalt
Suffer The Night

It's a first person survival horror game.
You play as Stacey a woman alone in her cabin in the middle of nowhere during a heavy rain storm. Suddenly you recieve a floppy disk containing a game. And this is where it all goes wrong.

I'm gonna have to start with saying, before typing anything else, that I'm conflicted about this game.
So be aware, there will be spoilers. But I just have to explain why.

The idea of this game is fantastic! I love the story that comes with it.
But the execution unfortunately could've been a bit better.
The game looks great! Nothing to complain about that.
The first chapter was terrific! Oh man, the atmosphere that got created! So, so good!
Then after the moment you get sucked into the floppy disk game it goes a bit down hill.
The whole feeling you had at the start of the game is gone. Which is a shame!

You need to solve puzzles in order to get out. There are 3 areas and each area has 3 rooms basically. Every time you get into the first room of each area it's okay, it feels fine. But the 2nd and 3rd time are instantly pretty boring because it's the same thing, the same principle. It's very redundant.

However the voice acting is spot on! The way you can hear how one character develops and how his voice changes during the story is incredibly well done! Stacey is one feisty lady and I love her for it! Her dialogue is great and it makes me laugh.

If you want to get all of the achievements it requires you to do 2 playthroughs. Or 3 of you're a dummy like me and miss something small. It doesn't have chapter select so unfortunately you're gonna have to start over.

So everything combined my conclusion is that om gonna give this game a 6/10.
The story is great, the first chapter was fantastic, the voice acting is incredible. It's just a tad boring at times.
Upplagd 15 november 2023.
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7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.1 timmar totalt
Hidden cats in Spooky Town

This game is a hidden object game. Or rather, a hidden cat game!

You search for cats in a beautiful hand drawn illustration!
There are a few different levels.
In the first one you search the town for cats.
In the second one you search for cats, special cats that give you bonus levels and for people who live in the town.
And the last few levels are the bonus levels you've unlocked.

What I love about this game is that the drawing slow but steady gets completely colored in. Once you found all the cats in a certain area it will get colored. Meaning that if you only need 1 or 2 cats you know where to look for them.
The second thing I love is that it's a perfect game to play together with my 3 year old son! It's fantastic to see how enthusiastic he gets when the illustrations gets colorized!

For the achievement hunters is this game pretty much a must!
They're super easy to get! Just play the game!

I rate this game with an 8/10
Super lovely, super chill!
Upplagd 3 november 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1.6 timmar totalt
Hidden cats in Paris

This game is a hidden object game. Or rather, a hidden cat game!

You search for cats in a beautiful hand drawn illustration!
There are a few different levels.
In the first one you search the town for cats.
In the second one you search for cats, special cats that give you bonus levels and for people who live in the town.
And the last few levels are the bonus levels you've unlocked.

What I love about this game is that the drawing slow but steady gets completely colored in. Once you found all the cats in a certain area it will get colored. Meaning that if you only need 1 or 2 cats you know where to look for them.
The second thing I love is that it's a perfect game to play together with my 3 year old son! It's fantastic to see how enthusiastic he gets when the illustrations gets colorized!

For the achievement hunters is this game pretty much a must!
They're super easy to get! Just play the game!

I rate this game with an 8/10
Super lovely, super chill!
Upplagd 3 november 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.2 timmar totalt
Hidden cats in New York

This game is a hidden object game. Or rather, a hidden cat game!

You search for cats in a beautiful hand drawn illustration!
There are a few different levels.
In the first one you search the town for cats.
In the second one you search for cats, special cats that give you bonus levels and for people who live in the town.
And the last few levels are the bonus levels you've unlocked.

What I love about this game is that the drawing slow but steady gets completely colored in. Once you found all the cats in a certain area it will get colored. Meaning that if you only need 1 or 2 cats you know where to look for them.
The second thing I love is that it's a perfect game to play together with my 3 year old son! It's fantastic to see how enthusiastic he gets when the illustrations gets colorized!

For the achievement hunters is this game pretty much a must!
They're super easy to get! Just play the game!

I rate this game with an 8/10
Super lovely, super chill!
Upplagd 3 november 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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