
Recensioni recenti di N00bslayHer

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I was so hype for this game. A big ole nothing burger. Really figured Andrew learned something going into this, since idk his whole advertising campaign was based on IVE DONE THIS BEFORE. Complete trash.

Literally redesigning the game from the top down and back wouldnt even fix the plethora of problems that at their core are simply design choices, design choices likely too core to the game to even remedy without rebuilding the entire thing and calling it a whole different game.

The assets are bad, the movement is bad, the scenery is bad, the sounds are bad, the movement is bad (i know, its that bad), the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ room idea while cool on the server aspect has nothing to do with players and is bad, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ "grind is the game" ideology is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad, like there is no game. This is a glorified ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chatroom 2024 version that every other cookie cutter lame ass mmorpg has become or was created as in the last decade. "Oh but im a small dev i understand you guys!" he says and "Oh this is a passion project I will work on forever!" except its literally trash at its core with nothing build-on-able.

The sheer amount of terrible design choices SCREAMS you have no idea what youre doing and got MAD lucky with runescape, probably at behest of other peoples' ideas when THE ENTIRE TIME IN THE GAME "andrew gower" "andrew gower" "andrew gower" "andrew gower" "andrew gower"-- when werent there 4 other people working on the game full time for twice as long? WHO CARES ABOUT ANDREW GOWER. Sorry but like seriously, it's like he's pushing the game as a solo dev project when it's anything but and doesnt give any credit to these people who helped work on it other than that ass timeline pic he put out.

Completely overhyped, oversold, underwhelming, nothing burger with a side of luke warm dogwater.

Told everyone and their monkeys uncle about this game, went in with no expectations, and im sitting here wondering why im still playing this ass game with absolutely no actual gameplay and terrible gameplay loops. Classic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ runescape is like a futuristic alien visiting primitive earth if the two were to ever meet up, it's that bad.

I can't believe he would put his reputation on the line for this game. What a sellout.

In all reality tho, catch my game The Legacy in about five years from now! If anythings told me anything, this has told me I need way more faith in my own game cause if people eat dogsh*t like this up... welp..
Pubblicata in data 6 novembre 2024.
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130.6 ore in totale (10.4 ore al momento della recensione)
So at first glance. There's a lot I don't/didn't like, and to be frank, there still is, BUT- I'll tell you why all of it is overshadowed.

So, first, the main characters are miles more refined in their look and design and quality. The less 'main' of a character they are, the less of quality the model looks.

Second, some of dialogue, at least english dub and maybe some of the sub (only used sub for a bit) say some quite verbose (unique word choices) things that I would never actually expect these characters to say. Like I think Kakarot called Raditz and idiot or something along those lines maybe a little worse and it's like I don't think I remember goku calling anyone out of their name more than like a jerk kind of "you're mean" type of statement in any of the dubs I've seen - ♥♥♥, big green <3, ocean, funimation, westwood, even dbza. It just all feels like it's written by someone who is only familiar with dbz from the outside looking in, and I know that's a huge blunder to say but it's the truth in the first 10 or so battle from story I've played in.

That being said, other than the usual-- could have way better multiplayer services, could have more random junk to do like fights (they really should have brought back what-ifs [havent tried custom battles yet tho so maybe theyre in there]), or could have this or that which are more so superfluous (superficial/things that help but don't make or break the game) there really isn't that much else negative things to say about the game. It feels timeless already. I wish the settings and graphics and optimization was a tiny wee bit better so users like myself don't have to fine tune and tweak so much, but that's again, an issue that will pan out again in a game that is more or less timeless, so over the timelime of the game in which I intend to play it, it's beyond minimal in it's duress caused.

And with all of that being said, the game is literally perfect lmao. Like take away all of that otherwise and the game is LITerally perfect lmfao. I think it does take a good 6-12 hours to really see and appreciate the game for what it is and is worth, but after that I think there's almost no way you can't appreciate the game, and you can play it split screen which like when the ♥♥♥♥ was the last fighter game you could play split screen on pc that was GOOD lol? -- I steam remote played with a couple friends last night that have never played dbz games before or even seen it and they both, LITERALLY BOTH said wow this is so good and agreed theyre gonna have to ♥♥♥♥♥♥ watch dbz now like imminently over this ♥♥♥♥ and they picked it up so quick because it was just so fluid and rolls off the thums like it's actually just beautiful to play to say with less words than I'd like. So if you're even an ounce good at fighting games, or even a minUte love for dbz then this game is for you. Even 5-10-15 years from now I will likely recommend this game. I still go back and play the other budokai and tenkaichi games sometimes (until now) but now with this optimized for this generation game this will likely stand the test of time for so long. TY AKIRA TORIYAMA!!!!!!!!!!!
Pubblicata in data 8 ottobre 2024.
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1.3 ore in totale
actually pretty good lol
Pubblicata in data 22 agosto 2024.
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193.8 ore in totale (192.5 ore al momento della recensione)
I think this is the last Mortal Kombat that truly embodies- MORTAL KOMBAT -. With a new EXTENDED story no less. Story peaks, fighting peaks, difficulty peaks, technique peaks, I haven't felt the same level of anything in MK 10, 11, or 12.
Pubblicata in data 22 agosto 2024.
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12.9 ore in totale (8.9 ore al momento della recensione)
It's a must have tbh, ive bought it 3 times have barely played it and it has so much replayabilty
Pubblicata in data 2 agosto 2024.
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47.1 ore in totale (3.3 ore al momento della recensione)
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No only because we all most only enjoy it because of the boxes it checks, not because it does anything grandiose or different. It's an obvious cash grab requiring players to purchase $30 in credits to participate in trade. The game is heavily illbalanced almost exclusively being balanced for sword and board warrior combat only or group play where the biggest thing you have to worry about is friendly fire because you curb stomp everything else so quickly.

15 hours later still no and dont see it changing any time soon. id say maybe if youre into really difficult gameplay but even then. the only reason im still playing is cause i already got past the adjustment period and im bored and its somewhat actiony/mindless

If theres no balance then we're playing for the theme and there's so many stats and they almost all do the exact same thing (increases health and increases a lil damage here or increases speed and increases lock pick there) or a myriad of different combinations but never getting too much more in depth than that. The theme further gets blunded by the lack of class themes. Apparently I can do pretty much what everyone else does save for my special ability and even then you dont use it to any heavy extent and even if you did it just feels like another whatever move cause literally everyone has a special and theyre not special at all just various stats repackaged again in different ways similar to stats.

Once the game stops being new for said player, theres nothing keeping them there. Sure the difficulty increases, what game's doesn't, but the balance again for only sword and board kills all of the want and desire to proceed because the game isn't difficult in terms of strategy or mechanics or player skill, its difficult because the input methods are bad, the constraints on movement are non existent, and there's no expectation of said character youre playing as having any idea to hit something you don't directly have your mouse cursor on. Which fine, but this isn't an FPS and even if, the worst FPS hit registers are better than this janky "aiming" system. (which is really just free form with no constraints which is egregious in and of itself)

So if theres no balance, no theme, then what are we playing for? oh yeah resource management is fun, until it isnt, cause again its the same repitive ♥♥♥♥.

So if not that then we all must be playing it because its actually hard (despite that hardness coming from input controls) and I'm honestly tired of games being hard and that's their only claim to fame. Especially when that hardness has nothing to do with skill or tactician.

10 hours later and im still kinda feeling the same thing. The game is mostly: collect all this ♥♥♥♥ and sell all of it unless u think u might keep it which we dont tell u any of which ones to keep even tho the drop rate is abyssmal on all so anyways and then even if- quests give u like green items not even for your class so its like who cares sell those too and okay so ive sold everything now what, okay i have all this gold now what, okay i buy more bank slots for more holding of stuff i dont have okay then what, now i collect a bunch of high level gear apparently, and now once i go get this high level gear (where epics dont even feel stronger than normals, maybe 1 hit less?) its like okay now i just get to die in higher gear (when I die) but otherwise its still the same collect, sell, more bank for items i dont have (cause i sold them), collect sell repeat. okay now i have enough items and gear and stuff and everything that i feel like i can pvp, except pvp feels no different than when it did at lvl 1 with common items, so what was the point and it only took ~30-40 hours to realize. its the same game at lvl 1 as it is at lvl 100 with a semi fake (but semi real) progression system where the items u get arent even that much better than common and theres no game outside of the progression cause pvp is kinda booty cheeks other than the "we're on equal terms cause controls are jank" that you can find in literally any other game-- this one just lets you be a wizard HarryTM as you do it.

I might play another 10-20 hours but cant see myself playing more than 40 from here out. I just wanna see if my perspective changes but I don't see how it could as I've maxed the games mechanics afaik. Unless I really wanted to just blaze my way through each map looking for players but the level of commitment needed just to over power another player like that (meaning not even a "fair" fight) isnt even worth it when u could fair fight at lvl 1 with commons. The only different being okay i get to heal to full again cause i have more stuffs hah and do it again, could literally do instanced 1v1 for the same effect lol

Edit: whoever jestered this can eat my f sh thx for the coin lmfao ur tresh and ill wreck u 3 ways to sunday as ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ranger lmao the game is ass period.

One last edit (after comment): yeah like i said I played the next like 15 hours, didnt see how the game could get more expansive, and promptly haven't been back/have deleted the game and none of my friends have continued playing either (bout 7). Another example of a game that's only as fun as it is until you realize it's only fun because of actually how bad it is (the movement and mechanics) so you have fun by being burdened until it just isn't fun anymore or you get used to it (the mechanics) so then the "hardness" is not appealing anymore and it's just like why am i playing this game if the "hardness" which is easily gotten over is the "fun" aspect of the game. Big pass. Wish the devs success. Shoulda made it an NFT game and not had items drop infinitely,-- felt I spent almost a third of my time ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ organizing a stash which I had 2 extra pages on. Outside of the extremely crude mechanics and utilizing some lowkey jank ass graphics the game is just not developed very well and it's lacking in oversight, vision, experience of devs (ultimately), and design choices. This is far from being a game but I guess in 2024 the bar isn't set that high. Regardless, I won't be back.
Pubblicata in data 18 luglio 2024. Ultima modifica in data 30 luglio 2024.
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281.1 ore in totale (281.0 ore al momento della recensione)
no its a bunch of man babies and loser girls anymore. 650 hours between 3 accounts. No one worth playing with plays anymore. No one even plays the game anymore they group and just die with their friends. An ounce of brain power and youll win every time. Could write a whole book on how much this community is filled with just straight losers anymore.

Theyll tell a kid to Kthem S and others will encourage them. It's disgusting, all because a kid joined (when theres a random join feature) a room with 18+ in the name when thats not even a real rule these adult babies just made it up - like sure but to ridicule a child for it. You're just an absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser. Period. The game is trash anymore because the community is trash and it's completely reliant on the community to be fun which just isn't the case at all anymore. No one I know who played this when it came out plays anymore, for what I can only assume is the same reason as myself and one other.
Pubblicata in data 15 giugno 2023. Ultima modifica in data 8 novembre 2024.
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589.4 ore in totale (583.6 ore al momento della recensione)
its so great period
Pubblicata in data 28 maggio 2023.
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126.2 ore in totale (116.9 ore al momento della recensione)
its legendary and timeless
Pubblicata in data 25 marzo 2023.
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260.5 ore in totale (142.1 ore al momento della recensione)
12 years later games still gas
Pubblicata in data 8 aprile 2022.
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