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張貼於:10 月 4 日 上午 6:12

I vaguely recall skimming through the trailer for this during Gamescom or something like that and thinking it looked kinda mid. Turns out, my instincts were spot on. I like the overall concept, and quite a few gameplay elements are polished to a fairly high standard, but it's just missing a certain zhuzhiness which, unfortunately, pulls this game down from a good rating to, once again, kinda mid. It does somewhat remind me of the PS2 platformers I grew up playing, viz. Ratchet & Clank, so I'd like to be able to say that it's a good starter game for kids, but with the sparse inclusion of unnecessary swear words spread throughout the story, I'm afraid it doesn't even make the cut in that department. It tries it's best, but in the end, it still very much embodies the soul of a lower budget game.
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