HollowApathy   Houston, Texas, United States
I'm slowly dying inside, and play video games to delay the inevitable.
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31 Hours played
Darksiders III is a fun if, at times, unpolished action game. Though, coming from a smaller publisher, a smaller team, and with a smaller budget than the prior two Darksiders games, this isn't at all surprising.

Running roughly 12 hours, you play as the Horseman, Fury, on a quest to defeat and capture the Seven Deadly Sins. Through destroyed city streets, overgrown greenery, a caustic construction site, and many more, Darksiders III always keeps the environments interesting, rarely requiring you to run through an area that looks really similar to another. As the game progresses, you gain elemental abilities that unlock new weapons, and traversal options that allow you to advance into new areas - both required to continue the story, and optional for unique items and collectibles. But be careful, as trying to explore into areas you're not supposed to can potentially lead to getting stuck, or clipping into geometry.

Combat is pretty standard, with a primary and secondary attack that include delay inputs to change up combos, though you rarely need to do much more than spam. There's a dodge mechanic that allows a powerful counter-attack when you dodge through an enemy's attack, and this will be necessary to get through the game, especially on the higher difficulties. Bosses are varied and unique, though there are a handful that feel gimmicky, and even cheap in terms of the development resources put into them.

Overall, this game feels unfinished. There's texture pop-in, one specific texture that's just plain missing, the game crashes on occasion, the AI has plenty of problems when it comes to tracking, I've had to reload the game several times after getting stuck in geometry, and the same two-handful of enemies are reused ad nauseam. If you're a fan of the first two Darksiders games, or just want a half-decent action game to run through, I definitely recommend this one. Just don't expect a triple-A masterpiece.
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