Rex is back, baby!
Rex / Yeti / Snail / Pel / Chris   Canandaigua, New York, United States
General Update for those who peruse my profile:

I recently was promoted to a new management position in my organization that has increased responsibilities. Between my daily obligations and this job, I have about two to four hours a day to give to hobbies and other fun activities. Unfortunately, gaming did not make the cut. Instead, been focusing on W40k and Pickle Ball! Huzzah!

Now for my story summary:
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Current Obsession: Warhammer 40k Miniatures collecting and painting, Pickle Ball.
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:crusader_helmet: Proud 35-year-old. :praisesun:

Throughout my internet life, I have mostly identified under five pseudonyms. This Steam Account was created on December 14th, 2009, under the alias HiddenOblivion.

HiddenOblvion (HO), now retired, was my account name throughout high school and the early days. I started my gaming hobby with RTSes, and HO was mostly used in the Age of Empires, Starcraft and Warcraft franchises. Eventually, the name was replaced with my second identity: Caesarus1000. I was obsessed with Roman culture and many of my gaming and hobby enthusiast forums of the early 2000s reflected that. It was also the time I started gaining a lot of internet friendships.
My friends colloquially called me 'Rex,' and I have kept that identity as a badge of honor ever since. Most often, my profile picture involves Toy Story's Rex or a charicacture of a T-Rex. :cozypoechris:

When it came to console gaming, XBox's built-in username generator gifted me with the GamerTags: 'ChintzySnail' and 'ValiantYeti.' ChintzySnail has been retired. I've kept ValiantYeti and its variations as a competitive gaming and forum enthusiast tag.

In the late 2000s, I entered MMORPG gaming. I had a slew of many different names, but toward the turn of the decade, I migrated toward a "pel" prefix. Although I do not have the time to invest in MMORPGs anymore, Pelgrinne was my main choice, inspired by an old dwarven friend of mine from my first MMORPG: Lord of the Rings Online.

Hades, Hell Divers, Space Marines II and Dark Souls fan for life!

Rest in Peace True-Spartan, I don't know where life has taken you, but I miss you and hope life is treating you well!

Shout out to my TeamFortress 2/PayDay 2 gang, Town of Salem group, and Risk circle!

:praisesun: :praisesun: :praisesun: :praisesun: :praisesun:
Favorite Game
Hours played
femmissgeek 5 May, 2015 @ 6:58pm 
Thanks so much!
Pik 11 Jan, 2011 @ 1:51pm 
and mau misses you too
Mau 11 Jan, 2011 @ 1:51pm 
Pik 10 Jan, 2011 @ 5:53pm 
i miss you.