
Последние обзоры RJ

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21.1 ч. всего
Too many notifications on the campaign map, all the time; enemy patrols popping up and attacking you the turn they reveal themselves, which can lose you a character without any counter other than knowing how the mission plays beforehand. Mission timers are generally awful....
The loop that hooked me on XCOM1 is just destroyed and annoying in this sequel; pacing is not the same.
Опубликовано 1 ноября 2024 г..
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1,288.9 ч. всего
All I want is Erangel and region lock.
Instead, no Erangel, and merged servers, so everyone has 200 ping.
Опубликовано 14 октября 2024 г..
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9.2 ч. всего (0.5 ч. в момент написания)
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It's a great survivors type game, with Hades vibes.
The zoomer slang is cringey and out of place, though. The style could be considered serious if not for that.
Опубликовано 29 апреля 2024 г.. Отредактировано 30 апреля 2024 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
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89.2 ч. всего (86.2 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Netcode eats full magazines; not much more to say.
Опубликовано 27 апреля 2023 г..
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13.0 ч. всего
Game is a delight, and one worth playing; however it does leave me wanting something more than what it offers. It starts out extremely atmospheric, and is frankly the strongest aspect of the game. The Eldritch/New England/Lovecraftian horror element is fantastic, and has you dreading the darkness, and leaving you in fearful suspense about the mystery.

However, the game after the first couple hours loses all semblance of pacing; both storytelling and mechanically. The island chains after the initial harbor town are filler; they offer nothing to the story, but certainly are interesting locales. Several missions and side quests end abruptly, seemingly without purpose, or reward.

Ultimately, the game is one of great vision and atmosphere, that flat lines in the long run. It's weird to see a game so technically well executed for its atmosphere, only to seemingly be catastrophically underdeveloped in narrative and the mechanics that could tie into it.

Wait for the game to go on sale, get really high, and you'll have an absolute fever-dream.
Опубликовано 20 апреля 2023 г..
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5.9 ч. всего
Was waiting for ultra-wide to be implemented in a patch before giving a thumbs up, and today they delivered.
Game is a nostalgia trip. Some minor gripes like UI/graphics being different, without the ability to switch to classic, but overall the game is a fantastic Remaster and throwback from ~20 years ago.
Опубликовано 5 апреля 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 11
246.8 ч. всего (91.6 ч. в момент написания)
Game is awesome and addicting.....
It's simply not finished, and deserved a bad review because of it.
Опубликовано 4 декабря 2022 г..
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3,039.2 ч. всего (2,966.5 ч. в момент написания)
The new map and patch is mostly good, but the severe technical issues that result from it and the failure that is the new UI need immediate addressing.

Cursor constantly on screen, game fails to connect 1/3 rounds, game has been dropping server connection more often, DLSS is bugged to be extremely blurry, UI was partially improved... at the cost of new bugs.

Added a cross franchise skin, which at one point the devs said they would never do.

Game has gotten far more spammy, and asymmetrical team balance (solos/duos vs trios) is worse than ever.

I play it because I'm addicted, but the devs are incompetent, and are going for money, at the cost of the game's soul. Zoomers have taken this beautiful thing... and lobbies are now full of weebs and cat-boys.
Опубликовано 30 апреля 2022 г.. Отредактировано 26 октября 2024 г..
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125.5 ч. всего (123.5 ч. в момент написания)
If you're into a great single player, Dark Souls experience, you're going to have a great time.
However, due to unaddressed (or even mentioned) technical issues, I have to give a "Do not recommend". Minor gripes are lack of support for ultrawide when your computer is already rendering the scene and just adding black bars; and additionally a framelock to 60 FPS.
My major problem with the game however is the unaddressed disconnects; with the most common router in the US and all relevant ports opened, constant "Connection Errors". This means multiplayer is pretty much unplayable, as well as the possibility of being soft banned for too many errors on their end.
PvP is also running on terrible netcode; it's extremely laggy, and hits against dodges are double rolled, meaning the odds of hitting a rolling enemy are pretty much zero.
Опубликовано 10 апреля 2022 г..
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0.8 ч. всего
First: Haven't played CoD since Black Ops for PC, which had a rather great HC community for a time, so I have no expierience with recent CoD titles. However, plenty of expierience with other FPS's, such as CS:GO, BF1, Insurgency, and so on. I played the beta with a thourough hope that it would have something to offer me.

First impressions: The menu is an abomination. It's like someone took all the worst PC ports, chewed them up, swallowed them with some glue, and then regurgitated them back onto a screen; it's so evidently designed for controllers. It had me using my ARROW KEYS to navigate parts of the menu, nothing else would work. The class system and weapon loadouts is slightly convoluted; nothing killer, just worse than it needs to be. Other than that, the menu system is funtional.

Graphics: While the PC options are numerous and have everything that I could desire (High FPS options, res scale, super-sampling, ect, ect) The actual game looks like crap; the AA seems to actually hurt rather than help; the worst of that "fuzzy" AA technology it seems. In all honesty, I think it's the same engine as CoD 4 with bells and whistles attatched to hid the age, such as DoF, HBAO, ect. It does not stand out.

Gameplay: Bad graphics can be forgiven if the gameplay is great! But it's sh*t. The type of sh*t that a dog eats, and then sh*ts out again. Regurgitated, simplified, without any new protien. The gun balance is awful, the STG seems to do less than the SMG's; shotguns are weak, not 1 hit kills, even when close. Sniper rifles are pointless, as the ADS time is slower than Grandpa's farts, and the maps are so small they are ineffective except as pointblank corner holders. The worst part however, to me, was the abysmall latency issues; I had what seemed a 1/10th of a second of vision of an enemy before I was dead; his replay seemed an eon in comparsion. The player in ALASKA in my matches was going 30: and 5, and I have a strong suspicion that the game made him the "host". I'd bet my left nut that was not a dedicated server.

All in all, I could hardly stomach an hour of the game, but I didn't need to invest much time to see it wasn't for me. It's simply a money grab in the classic CoD way; however this time they tried to jump on the hype train of BF1. If you enjoy casual arcade shooters, you might like it, and MAYBE it would be a decent buy on consoles; but for someone who enjoys a serious competitive game, and eye candy on the side, it fails miserabley.
Опубликовано 28 сентября 2017 г..
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