J.   New Jersey, United States
I like ducks

I'm a hard mother trucker and don't let anyone tell you different.

Favorite Survivor: Bill
Favorite Class: Engineer:sentry: and Spy:spycon:
Favorite Infected: Hunter:witch:

I micspam a little, people say I'm awesome when I do.:demoticon:

-You may also know me as-
Julie Brown✿:balloonicorn:


3:59 AM - J²: Jae
3:59 AM - J²: http://i.imgur.com/qEKDq.jpg
3:59 AM - J²: whats the diagnosis
3:59 AM - Not Rarity: didn't have an ubercharge ready in time

8:08 PM - Not Rarity: welcome ♥♥♥♥

5:43 PM - Mickey the ♥♥♥♥: lol
5:43 PM - Mickey the ♥♥♥♥: gril chan
5:45 PM - Herpster: i like me some grill chan
5:45 PM - Herpster: desu burgers
5:45 PM - Herpster: kawaii dogs
5:45 PM - Mickey the ♥♥♥♥: lol

5:48 AM - J.(재혁의 아내): hey hoi
5:48 PM - Hoi: SubtleJ

12:19 AM - hoi: when J plays spy http://puu.sh/70qxi.jpeg

8:06 PM - ✿Julie Brown✿: The soldier gets the compatriot as a head
8:07 PM - The Supreem Burd: i can not only have freedom on my shoulders but i can BE freedom

10:20 PM - Panemaceous: sadly sometimes we're too busy being gay to focus

1:40 PM - A1_Steak_Sauce: use me

6:49 PM - Tebby: I just like to show you off and make ppl jealous
6:49 PM - Tebby: Because your amazng

11:27 PM - crispy: maybe he should stop being a little ♥♥♥♥♥

Bearface on anything ever:
8:16 AM - B⁴: Huh?
8:16 AM - Julie Brown✿: nevermind
8:16 AM - Julie Brown✿: Limbo sticks are abundant today
8:16 AM - B⁴: Wot...

11:26 PM - Tebby: would be better if we were sharks

12:16 AM - crispy: if you only watch one video of cardboard Jesus watching a decapitation, make it that one

7:14 AM - Blueportal: but hey you said you cheat on people "Basically I cheat"

11:30 PM - Up all night to get spooky: http://whatisthishowigethere.corgiorgy.com/
11:30 PM - Jay: what is this
11:30 PM - Up all night to get spooky: that is the url yes
11:30 PM - Jay: lmao

2:25 AM - crispy (1): some kinda bum vampire
2:26 AM - 👻Up all night to get spooky💀: you're that ninja
2:26 AM - 👻Up all night to get spooky💀: 2nd floor basement?
2:26 AM - crispy (1): lol

5:14 PM - J.: Honestly you know what people complaining about spy are really saying
5:15 PM - J.: "Krillin killed me and should be nerfed"
5:15 PM - J.: "I got killed by Krillin"
5:15 PM - J.: "I suck ass at tf2"
5:15 PM - Blueportal: if "krillin" is killing you thats when you know you ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up
5:16 PM - J.: so who's pyro?
5:16 PM - J.: 1 step up from krillin?
5:16 PM - Blueportal: ohhh whats his name one sec
5:16 PM - Blueportal: chaozu, he just runs in and kills him self and hopes he gets other people
5:17 PM - J.: haha
5:17 PM - J.: unfortunately Napvy was overhealed

My relationship with Blue:
11:55 PM - Blueportal: why!
Cuda wants to be here too but I'm not that easy.

Special Thanks To:
Panther Duck for Terraria :D
Teddeh for Monday Night Combat and Capsized <3
Dotx for Deus:Ex :D
Josh for Post Apoctalyptic Mayhem :)
DJ Demo for gifting me Magicka :>
and Renon for Just Cause 2 :]

*And a very special shoutout to Jae, Joe, Teddy, and Chris for helping me aquire my dream hat* Merry Christmas Guys!

I tend to lerp the yerp. It's pretty underground though so you probably never herped of it.

Where I dump all my stream junk
Twitch [www.twitch.tv]
UGC Profile [www.ugcleague.com]
Silly Server
Screenshot Showcase
Artwork Showcase
4 da kidz
6 4
Recent Activity
53 hrs on record
last played on 19 Mar
5.1 hrs on record
last played on 25 Feb
30 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
jzplr 🎷🐛 15 Feb @ 11:15pm 
i broke your stupid crap moron
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i am heavy weapons guy
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added you for some questions regarding your asteroid redux map
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please at least hear out my offer. it is a very good one
vargas 30 Nov, 2024 @ 4:53pm 
added to potentially offer on a specific item you have
Sae35™ 1 Oct, 2024 @ 12:29pm 
Added to ask a few questions related to rd_asteroid_redux.