Top #9 Xeno :slscream: (Tail Attacks)

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Miss the old days, the mother of FPS!
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6.376 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 4 nov.
15,7 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 3 nov.
2,2 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 2 nov.
smack me daddy 4 nov. la 8:23 
@its frankeee... i see maidenless behavior here. Get down soldier
Its Frankeee 4 nov. la 6:21 
BUUUUHUUUU. He banned me from his 8 viewer twich stream. Boy I hope you'll make it past a 3 digit viewership someday... Poor soul. Time to get a job, you cuckL0rd
smack me daddy 28 oct. la 17:47 
+rep always the tunneled streamer:luv: xd
Amadeoos 27 sept. la 9:08 
+rep very good surv
Snow ♡ 25 sept. la 15:08 
+rep cute killer :happystar2022: