凛 Rin Kaenbyou
Palace of The Earth Spirits. Gensokyo.
To anyone and everyone: -> DON'T <- talk to me AS SOON as I log into steam, it pisses me the hell off, I want to have breathing time dammit! Wait a minute or two to let me set up the stuff that I always set up once I log in to steam. If you chat to me as soon as I log in, you automatically ruin my mood, or make it worse if it already was bad.
Now that that is out of the way~

Rin has an energetic, positive personality; she prefers to be called Orin, since she doesn't like long names. She claims that while it is more fun to take on a pure cat form, she can't talk to humans that way - nor does it seem she can do her job, carting corpses away, which she seems to take great pleasure in. She appears to have challenged the main character in Subterranean Animism partly because she wanted their corpse, but also partly to test their strength to see if they would be able to stop Utsuho Reiuji for her, and appears to bear no ill will towards them for her defeat. Symposium of Post-mysticism states that she has no interest in killing humans herself to gain their corpses; she prefers to hunt for those on the verge of death, supposedly because it makes for more interesting conversation. If a corpse is properly buried, she'll lose interest.

Regarding our "Playtime", or as you humans like to call "RP", I don't like people that tend to do the 2 following things:
1)Random and stupid RP (Changing stuff randomly, or doing stuff that makes no sense out of the blue constantly)
2) Unfair "RP" (Doing stuff that is not argueable at all. A few examples: "Nue kills you" "Marisa kisses you" "Murasa hits you with her anchor sending you into the atmosphere".)
Other than these 2, you shouldn't have any problems with me, if you do piss me off on purpose I'll reserve a special spot for you in my "Bodies To Carry" list. Same thing if you go to my restaurant and don't pay, although I believe I can give your body a better use in that case, I wonder if clients would like human meat?.

-------If you don't see orin here don't panic, she probably took a little break of personality :3, just wait patiently, she returns soon nya-----------

Original Hellcat's Steam Joining Date: November 2009.

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Serious. 27 Mar @ 4:35pm 
hope everything has been well friend ♥
妖夢 Kokona 25 Feb @ 1:55pm 
Pokezz 31 Dec, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
Pokezz 26 Nov, 2023 @ 8:34am 
Santa Month incoming. Get ready for THAT one song to be the only thing playing.
Stretch-O-Mutt 24 Dec, 2021 @ 9:11pm 
:happy_yeti:MERRY CHRISTMAS RIN:happy_yeti:
Stretch-O-Mutt 29 May, 2021 @ 2:04pm 
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    γ" ⌒゙ヽ   l   l  γ'.ヽ
     i     i,__,,ノ   i,__,,ノ_,, 丿
     ヽ,_,,ノ"~´ titty nibbler