"House Dragon"
:2015car: :2015candycane: :2015cookie: :2015coal: :2015holly:


Defense Grid
Half-Life (+ Blue Shift and Opposing Force)
Half-Life 2 (+Episode 1 and Episode 2)
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Portal 2
Fallout 3 (main campaign)
Star Wars Republic Commando
XCom: UFO Defense
Puzzle Agent 20120113

100% Steam Achievements:

20110707 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby) -- only has one achievement!
20110916 Flight Control HD -- 15 achievements
20111001 KrissX -- 11 achievements
20111015 Half Life 2 -- 33 achievements
20111109 Half Life 2 Episode 1 -- 13 achievements
20111130 Lucid -- 11 achievements
20120106 Fluttabyes - 38 achievements (2 broken achievements)
20120121 Puzzle Agent 2 - 52 achievements
20120403 Season of Mystery - The Cherry Blossom Murders - 15 achievements
20120412 Wasteland Angel - 40 achievements
20120616 Puzzler World 2 - 17 of 18 achievments (one broken)
20120618 Super MNC - 4 achievements
20120918 Defense Grid: The Awakening - 74 achievements
20121029 Cities in Motion - 46 achievements
20121209 Containment: The Zombie Puzzler - 25 achievements
20180526 Creeper World Anniversary Edition - 39 achievements

AStats (the best Achievement status page) [astats.astats.nl]
sAPI [steamapi.techieanalyst.net]
Achievement Stats [achievementstats.com]

:happy_creep: :wat_creep: :calm_creep: :angry_creep: :nonplussed_creep:

6000th Game: Toxic Terror
Currently In-Game
Battle Islands
Awards Showcase
Awards Received
Awards Given
Trading Philosophy and Booster Pack Log
I'm looking to trade trading cards 1:1 to our mutual benefit: so we can craft badges.

Booster Pack Log (just want to record these, I've gotten a few already but didn't mark them down)

Starting log at Level 32:

201308?? Air Buccaneers
20130901 DLC Quest
20130910 Fairy Bloom Freesia
20130919 The Walking Dead
20130929 Super House of Dead Ninjas
20131009 The Showdown Effect
20131019 Hamilton's Great Adventure
20131028 Gravi
20131106 Brutal
20131115 Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse (1 foil)
20131127 Hack, Slash and Loot
20131206 Organ Trail Director's Cut
20131215 Wake
20131224 Lunnye Devitsky

20130101 Level 40, cadence was about 9 days, now 7.

20140101 Serious Sam 3 BFE
20140109 Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory, 8-9 days, cadence?
20140117 Surgeon Simulator 2013

I'm going to start indicating how many eligible titles starting today.

20140126 Ultratron (240 eligible)
20140205 War of the Roses (241 eligible)
20140214 Lunar Flight (245 eligible)
20140222 Kairo
20140302 ORION: Dino Horde
20140312 Kerbal Space Program (246)
20140321 Dungeonland (248)
20140329 Guncraft (253)
20140409 Nuclear Dawn (261)
20140419 Dungeon Hearts
20140430 PixelJunk Eden
20140510 Postal 2
20140518 Anna
20140526 Hammerwatch
20140603 Puddle
20140611 Rush Bros (269 eligible)
20140619 Super Sanctum TD
20140619 Level 45
20140620 Level 46...47
20140625 Level 48...49...50 (showcase)
20140626 Level 51
20140626 Ion Assault (272)
20140627 Level 52
20140703 Ace of Spades
20140710 Euro Truck Simulator 2
20140717 Hotline Miami
20140724 Tomb Raider
20140801 Gun Monkeys
20140808 PixelJunk Monsters
20140819 Really Big Sky
20140827 Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (1 foil)
20140901 Level 53 (by XP)
20140903 The Bridge
20140911 Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (no foils)
[missed update]
20140919 Crusader Kings II
20140926 Red Orchestra 2
20141004 Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
20141012 Chilvalry: Medieval Warfare (279 eligible)
20141021 Ichi (280 eligible)

20141022 2000th Title: Mind: Path to Thalamus, from IndieGala Depths of Fear Bundle

20141030 Teleglitch Die More Edition
20141106 OOZI: Earth Adventure
20141115 Trine (282 eligible)
20141123 Warlock: Master of the Arcane
20141203 A Valley Without Wind
20141211 Anomaly Warzone Earth
20141218 L. 54 (Hammerwatch)
20141218 L. 55 (Crusader Kings II, 5 friend)
20141218 L. (Holiday Card, 5 friend)
20141218 L. 60 (Warlock: Master of the Arcane, 5 friend, new showcase)
20141218 Portal 2
20141225 Level 62
20141225 Wooden Sen'SeY
20141225 L. 63 (crafting Card City Nights -- 5 friend slots)
20141230 L. 64 (crafting Sequence -- 5 friend slots)
20141231 Sengo
20150107 How to Survive
20150114 Beware Planet Earth
20150129 Deadlight
20150205 McGuffin's Curse
20150212 DLC Quest
20150219 Solar Struggle
20150227 Air Buccaneers
20150308 Sanctum 2
20150315 Payday: The Heist
20150323 The Binding of Isaac
20150329 Vitrum
20150412 Trapped Dead
20150420 Real World Racing
20150428 Clickr
20150506 Counterstrike: Global Offensive
20150512 10,000,000 (1 foil)
20150520 Scribblenauts Unlimited
20150523 324 eligible
20150527 Paper Dungeons
20150604 Solar Struggle
20150609 Painkiller Hell and Damnation
20150611 Monster Summer Sale - L.66-L.71
20150613 L.72
20150616 Cargo Commander
20150618 L.73
20150622 Call of Juarez Gunslinger
20150629 Lyne
20150720 Garry's Mod
20150730 Tower Wars
20150804 Magicka
20150814 Skyward Collapse
20150821 L.74
20150822 Spy Chameleon RGB Agent (333)
20150905 Wanderlust: Rebirth
20150911 King's Bounty: Warriors of the North
20150918 Alan Wake (338 eligible)
20150924 Fairy Bloom Freesia
20150930 Primal Carnage
20151006 Little Racers Street
20151012 Paranormal State Poison Springs
20151018 Tales from Space Mutant Blobs Attack
20151025 Age of Empires III Complete
20151031 Talisman Digital Edition
20151108 The Swapper
20151118 Party of Sin
20151128 Stacking
20151204 Reus
20151210 Snuggle Truck
20151216 Wake
20151222 Hearts of Iron III
20151228 Typing of the Dead Overkill
20160103 Ichi
20160103 L. 81
20160108 Luna's Wandering Stars
20160114 Empire Total War
20160119 Letter Quest
20160125 Sonic All Star Racing Transformed
20160131 1..2..3 KICK IT Drop that beat like an ugly baby
20160206 BIT.TRIP FATE
20160212 Unreal Tournament 2004
20160219 Pressure
20160225 Zack Zero
20160302 Solar Flux
20160307 Dark Fall Lost Souls
20160313 Farming Simulator 2013
20160319 Secret of the Magic Crystals (1 foil)
20160329 Retro/Grade
20160405 Aeon Command
20160416 Ultimate General: Gettysburg
20160424 Victoria II
20160504 Fallen Enchantress
20160516 Paranormal
20160521 Hitman Absolution
20160531 Orion: Dino Horde
20160604 Risen (1 foil)
20160609 PixelJunk Shooter
20160731 Fly'n
20160811 Retro City Rampage DX
20160823 Call of Juarez
20161110 Costume Quest
20161121 Super House of Dead Ninjas
20161129 Sid Meier's Aces Pacific Skies
20161210 Dont' Starve
20161221 Anomaly 2
20161228 L.92
20161228 Delve Deeper Booster Pack
20180107 Sid Meier's Ace Patrol Booster Pack
20170112 Titan Attacks
20170118 Rogue Legacy
20170127 Awesomenauts
20170211 Universe Sandbox
20170217 Paper Train Traffic
20170227 Pixel Puzzles 2 Space
20170306 Dirt 3
20170310 Prison Architect
20170317 Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
20170327 Battleplan American Civil War
20170408 Total War Shogun 2 (1 foil)
20170414 Cities in Motion 2
20170419 Eador Masters of the Broken World
20170425 Luna's Wandering Stars
20170505 Guns of Icarus Online
20170512 Kairo
20170529 Mount and Blade Warband
20170604 Paper Dungeons
20170609 Nation Red
20170615 Postal 2
20170622 Level 94 Summer Sale
20170627 Highrise Heroes Word Challenge
20170703 Racer 8
20170709 Terraria
20170722 Lost Marbles
20170729 Psychonauts
20170805 Megapolis
20170811 Take On Mars
20170817 Castle Crashers
20170825 Rhythm Defender
20170901 Revenge of the Titans
20170911 Monaco
20170916 The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings
20170924 Spice Road
20171001 Cook Serve Delicious
20171009 Sir You Are Being Hunted (1 foil)
2017???? Gratuitous Space Battles
20171021 Zombie Driver HD
20171029 Alice's Patchwork
20171104 Baldur's Gate
20171110 Deponia
20171119 Magicians and Looters
20171126 Brutal Legend
20171203 Outlast
20171210 Sugar Cube
20171217 Tower of Guns
20171220 Level 99 "Sonya The Great Adventure"
20171227 Gravi
20180108 Half-Life 2
20180113 Pixel Puzzles 2: Space
20180128 Clockwork Empires
20180208 Knights of Pen & Paper +1
20180225 Total War Medieval II
20180309 Grimind
20180314 Triple Town
20180320 Pixel Puzzles 2 Birds
20180405 Killing Floor
20180414 Empire of the Gods
20180503 Anodyne
20180521 XCOM The Bureau Declassified
20180529 Yet Another Zombie Defense
20180615 Train Simulator 2014
20180622 UnEpic
20180627 Batman Arkham City GOTY
20180703 1849
20180709 Flame in the Flood (1 foil)
20180716 Day of Defeat Source
20180811 Syder Arcade
20180819 Worms Revolution
20180825 Pixel Puzzles Undeadz
20180831 Battleplan American Civil War
20180909 Verdun
20180916 Mini Motor Racing EVO
20181001 Tropico 4
20181109 Left for Dead 2 (5 weeks!)
20181117 Dead Island
20181129 Spacebase DF-9
20181207 Duke Nukem 3D
20181213 XCOM Enemy Unknown
20181218 Guacamelee Gold Edition
20181223 Defender's Quest
20181228 Waves
20190103 L. 113
20190104 Strike Suit Infinity
20190109 Nazi Zombie Army
20190205 Joe Danger
20190310 Expeditions Conquistador
20190319 Endless Space
20190327 Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
20190601 Prime World Defenders
20190612 Natural Selection 2
20190606 Ti?
20191231 Spelunky
20200501 Bioshock Remastered (1 foil)
20200723 Tricky Towers
20200804 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
20200829 Omerta City of Gangsters
20201118 Saints Row The Third
20210207 Euro Truck Simulator
20210527 Oozi Earth Adventure
20210625 D?
20210824 Sunless Sea
20211215 XCOM 2
20210105 Defense Grid
Favorite Group
AStats - Public Group
AStats - Info, Guides and Rankings for Achievements and Games.
In Chat
Favorite Game
Hours played
Review Showcase
162 Hours played
It's as good as I expected, and promises more, even with no story mode (still Early Access.)

I loved it from the first moments, and I indeed died quickly from Wolf attacks until I learned to avoid them.

I love the artwork, I love the sound design. After playing as MacKenzie a few times I switched to the female character and I was surprised how much better I liked the female voice acting.

I've died from wolves of course. From infection. Falling through the ice. From dehydration. I waited until I survived 5 days in the sandbox before I wrote the review. Very glad to have picked this up, and looking for more in future updates. One of the better Early Access titles along with Prison Architect.

Update 2014-11-10: I killed two wolves today, one with a .303 round (Canadians love that Lee-Enfeld) and one with a hunting knife. This yielded 10kg of meat, which I cooked over an outdoor fire in a train tunnel to get out of the wind. I'm trying to get moving from Coastal Highway where I started over to Mystery Lake.

I'd like to add a technical comment. The game loads quickly. It is responsive. I haven't seen many bugs, except one time on the western island of Coastal Highway I found a spot while climbing the hill from the west where I couldn't seem to wiggle out.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Screenshot Showcase
7 1
Completionist Showcase
Recent Activity
56,635 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
3.9 hrs on record
last played on 28 Mar
35 hrs on record
last played on 27 Mar
Anderson 2 Jun, 2021 @ 6:33am 
Another one for free. This time for the entire month of June: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1180660/Tell_Me_Why/
Anderson 12 May, 2021 @ 2:13pm 
First 2 chapters are free for 1 week on a limited time giveaway: https://store.steampowered.com/app/94300/The_Dream_Machine_Chapter_1__2/
Anderson 29 Jan, 2021 @ 11:42am 
Anderson 15 May, 2020 @ 12:28pm 
Hello, GTA 5 is free on the Epic store in a limited time giveaway.
The_Aviator_Railfan 12 Jan, 2018 @ 12:04pm 