Matthew Pon   New York, United States
Hi~! :skyecute:

I write about video games here:
Review Showcase
10 Hours played
"...Rose Engine’s Signalis is a top-down horror shooter...(where) you crawl into an uncomfortably small hole in the ground that looks like raw meat, read “The King In Yellow” in a bunker, and ♥♥♥♥ gets weird.

Where the ♥♥♥♥ do I even start here?

...(Signalis seeks to) convey dread, to put us in an inexplicable position of loss and confusion and pain: in the environments it presents and then pulls the rug out from under; in its refusal to give us any grounding in reality; in its questioning of our senses, our motivations, and our actions; in our seamless traversal of time, space, and being.

...The ache in my soul that Signalis leaves behind is dread manifested before our very eyes, but not shied away from. Instead it’s embraced, knowingly, fatedly. We made a promise, and we intend to see it through..."

A diary entry about IMMORTALITY - Signalis — The King in Yellow — El Paso, Elsewhere — Isle of the Dead — Stories of Your Life and Others / Arrival
On dreading the future, facing fear, and how to move forward for the sake of love - for the sake of yourself.
Review Showcase
8.4 Hours played
"...El Paso, Elsewhere is Strange Scaffold’s homage to Max Payne games of yore; a fatalistic trip towards self-destruction. James Savage knows he only has one option: kill his ex, Draculae, to prevent her from ending the world via primordial sacrifice; and likely, himself, in the process.

Level by level, encounter by encounter, James’ snippets of memories come through, drip fed like a parasocial hit of dopamine, a window into his ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up life and the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up relationship he had with Draculae. In the incessant shooting; in the swarming groans of enemies; in the ceaselessly irreverent soundtrack; these moments of quiet honesty punctuate and juxtapose the loudness of everything else that’s going on; James’ words are a solace in the middle of a storm.

...we’re reliving James’ nightmares; the horrors of dread and pain intertwined with love, knowing these things will never be disentangled from each other, or from him..."

A diary entry about IMMORTALITY - Signalis — The King in Yellow — El Paso, Elsewhere — Isle of the Dead — Stories of Your Life and Others / Arrival
On dreading the future, facing fear, and how to move forward for the sake of love - for the sake of yourself.
lolice margatroid 25 Dec, 2024 @ 4:34pm 
Curse of the Christmas comment be upon ye
:xmasholly::greenchristmastree: Merry Christmas!
and happy new year!
lolice margatroid 25 Dec, 2023 @ 6:24pm 
Hope you've been well c: Merry Christmas! and a happy new year!
Hope you got some cool presents this year!
BTwice 16 Mar, 2023 @ 4:48pm 
+ rep really good dota player. very positive also
Lazy and Proud 22 Feb, 2023 @ 7:02am 
You have such a great looking profile page!
lolice margatroid 25 Dec, 2022 @ 6:24pm 
That time of year again, pls understand c:
Hope you have a Merry Christmas~ :carto_snowman: :2015candycane:
and a Wonderful New Year too! :ShooterHeart::ShooterHeart::SecretPresent:
lolice margatroid 25 Dec, 2021 @ 4:33pm 
Hatsuna~ Merry Christmas~ :2015candycane::SecretPresent:
and have a good new years too!