"Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters."

Comment i found on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H91pG4SoK2w&feature=em-uploademail

Genghis Khan-
FAKE. Totally fake. The sterectopistis shows a massive decrease at 0:18.1324245236 seconds leaving nothing but a calculation of a divisionary ♥♥♥♥ deception derivative to divide, which presents the odds of his survival. A matrix pleuminary timer will confirm my calculations if you want to double check them. But wait... as the star of the video crushed someone's giant penis at 0:57 you could calculate a voluplasticular nomintropical distortion in the quantum phome of time, which rips a hole in the irpridius scale vector of the universe, which any fool can see can only explain the results of the improbable calculations earlier as to be the work of a orthaprostic clock timer. From there, the calculations speak for themselves seeing as at 1:28, that sick triple whammy truly could not be the work of mere coincidental gropophobic-calculatable chance.

If you do not understand how I came to this conclusion, then perhaps you may as well just go put a cigarette out on your penis because you have no hope in life.

*DEAD* ch0c : dont care i was just raped by a sentry, that felt so good finally getting you happy lol

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12月18日 に最後にプレイ
12月17日 に最後にプレイ
11月27日 に最後にプレイ
☘ 未mirai来 ☘ 2021年9月9日 18時25分 
+rep I heard he fap too much, his peepee became floppy
K1ng A.Lee.S 2020年12月1日 1時55分 
+rep big noob at tf2 calls himself a sniper AHAHAHAA (JK Man real nice guy and real good at the game) :D
GRUNTY 2020年11月28日 19時57分 
I don't know what you're talking about. Clearly Einstein wanted to prove that his penis could fit inside a preliminary paraphernalia of a miseducated hydrochloroxide fish. If you don't revise your research I can't consider you a true man of science.
☘ 未mirai来 ☘ 2019年12月24日 21時23分 
spyfox321 : Happy Mc Hap has a Unusual
spyfox321 : You know what that means
Happy_Mc_Hap_Hap™ : im a furry
Bernie. 2019年11月13日 0時25分 
happy's face irl
🗡 2019年2月4日 3時19分 
do you have an anime?