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Recent reviews by Attrition

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13 people found this review helpful
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34.9 hrs on record (34.1 hrs at review time)
This game is worth having for the single player dialog alone! "Who wears a cowboy hat going into battle?" "The Dallas cowboys go into battle every Sunday." The single player aspect of this game is still fun to play, the graphics are not so long in the tooth and the multiplayer is also interesting. Definitely this game beats BF1,BF4, BF5 - it is too bad the concept had to be taken so far out of context in the following games. This game is a must have.
Posted 20 September, 2022.
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25.6 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
Interesting clone of Advance Wars. I hope more development is put into commander strengths and weaknesses as well as fog of war, and terrain tactical advantages. What's in place currently isn't as helpful as I had hoped to see. The animations can be disabled at the opening screen in the configuration gear menu. If I hadn't found that I was about to say this game is horrible but I did find it and feel a bit sheepish about my original thoughts. So far so good, haven't played any multiplayer yet but soon will.
Posted 13 September, 2022. Last edited 13 September, 2022.
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41.6 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
Entropy : Zero 2 is just about the best Half Life single player game I've played. In my humble opinion it's the best Half Life Mod to be made. It's really great.
Posted 26 August, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
243.3 hrs on record (132.8 hrs at review time)
This is a fantastic side scrolling shooter that is difficult as well as fun. Play as multiple characters, earn stars to buy better weapons and play with your friends on the same screen. I just love this game!
Posted 27 June, 2019.
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116.3 hrs on record
I have Just Cause 2, Just Cause 3, and recently I installed Just Cause 4. At first I was quite happy I had bought this game. Now I'm just disgusted. There is no way to conquer anything. You blow up some enemy fortifications and capture a village and find the hidden goodies and then go on to the next hamlet - only to find out that the one you just finished taking over is no longer yours and everything has been rebuilt to it's previous uncaptured condition.

The game had me scratching my head forever just trying to figure out what the objective was. The sub titles are super small and disappear really fast as well so I couldn't figure out what to do. It wasn't a fun game for me at all. But I persevered and actually at about 20 hours into it I realized it was fun - in a stupid sort of way. Fun to not play. I think it's the worst of the series so far. The graphics are awesome, the weapons are super badass. I wish they had pistols but - it is what it is. I can understand the bad reviews now, most people who buy it think it's an extension of Just Cause 3 but really it's an entirely new playing style. An entirely new sort of fighting. Don't try and kill all of the enemies - they simply respawn faster. You need to figure out creative ways to solve missions. I figured out finally how to adjust my loadout, figured out how the guns works when I decided I didn't want to play anymore.
Posted 19 May, 2019. Last edited 15 January.
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A developer has responded on 23 May, 2019 @ 4:14am (view response)
19 people found this review helpful
390.0 hrs on record (259.1 hrs at review time)
Being closely involved with CS since it's inception, when I heard that Gooseman had created a new game I was very interested. This game has a feel of the original CS. Unfortunately, this game becomes very lopsided in a hurry as equipment and perks are acquired by higher skill level players making them impossible to beat by players on entry levels. The micro payment system is also difficult to endure, as well as the long delay between maps. As well, there are too many items that must be purchased with real money and cannot be earned by game points. I am referring to tactic altering weapons and accessories including supressors, red dot sights, custom skins, and armor - all of which are available if you're willing to spend $7 to $12 per item and for only a limited 30 days use (for all cool items except for skin cheats which only need be purchased once).

What disappointed me quite a bit is the artistic license the devs decided to take with weapons whose character and standard configurations are sacred in the gaming community. Everyone knows, for example, that the Steyr Aug's receiver casting includes an integrated 1.5x telescopic sight housing fitted for lenses made by Swarovski Optik. We pretty much all know that the Aug sight contains a simple black ring reticle with a basic rangefinder. Curiously, the developers of TI decided to remove the integrated 1.5x sight on the only Steyr Aug that you can acquire in-game on a permanent basis. The REAL Aug equipped with the standard fixed optical sight can only be acquired when on a temporary basis when playing TI, and this can only be achieved via a micro transaction of real cash - and you will have to buy said Aug as an item in a weapons crate containing a bunch of accessories you don't really need or want - tough ♥♥♥♥ - but don't worry about acquiring too much clutter in your arsenal cause all items you get in your crate somehow vanish after 30 days. That's 30 calendar days, not 30 playing days.

Makes me wonder why the developers didn't also program the cars to transform into pumpkins at precisely midnight, may as well have the VIP turn into Cindarella holding a mop bucket too. Which midnight? Good question. It's midnight once an hour somewhere on the planet. Insideously, armor cannot be permanently purchased ever. What makes me start violently gnashing my teeth is when I am reminded once again --> the items which can only be permanently acquired via micro transaction of real cash are essentially game changing legal cheats.

Yes, I said it, cheats, which I loosely define as advantages that are not available to all players - unless they have cash they are willing or able to hand over via the micro payment system. Thes advantages these items purchase give players an immediate decided boost, tilting the playing field dramatically. I can hear many of you now, tsk tsk tsking me, come on now Attrition, do you REALLY want to call these guys out and accuse them of haxoring - they are after all, performing within the framework set up by the developers after all....come on now, I can't imagine it, please, Attrition, describe these cheats of which you speak.

Okay. I'll touch on one (or two) - Here's a no brainer: the alternate terrorist skins available for purchase only cause a terrorist appear almost identical to a CT. Can you look me in the eye and tell me it's cool by you if you're playing as a CT and another CT appears on your screen, when you ignore them since they look like your own team mates and derp derp!! Dead. You just got PWND. You must be a noob cause you got killed by the guy you mistook for a CT, in a skin that cannot be obtained by game points, only with cash - and once purchased remains in inventory forever.

How about a weapon cheat - you may not call it one but essentially it is when using the Super V SMG. IRL, Kriss Corporation currently has only built the Vector Super V chambered in .45 ACP with a 5.5" long barrel as the only length availabe in the automatic version. Kriss says the effective range of this weapon is 45 yards, and even at that distance you're looking at a 37" bullet drop. In Ti, this SMG is more powerful at distances greater than you can accurately damage using the M4 or AK chambered at 5.56mm and 7.65 x 30 respectively. The Super V feels as if it's about twice as powerful than the MP7 - and at close range that's understandable, provided the target is NOT wearing body armor. However, in TI the MP7 doesn't penetrate body armor like the Super V does which makes absolutely no sense. Basically there's no reason to buy any other gun than the Super V - and most likely one of the TI assbeef devs has a personal copy of the civilian model of the Kriss at home (available for only $599 in usa) where he keeps it in his closet, but at night he comes out of the closet with the proof of his virility and manhood, and enjoys holding his own SUPER V in front of the full length mirror in his parents basement (where he lives) threateningly posed while admiring himself in the mirror while wearing only underpants and mirrored sunglasses. Gotta be the reason it's so over powered. Gotta be.

The Deathmatch I don't like at all, it's good for the mentally challenged who cannot put together two brain cells long enough to consider such a thing as team work...but at least the spawn points were well thought out. In deathmatch the server "admin" gets to limit weapons selection - so you may be forced to play with only pistols for instance.


If Mihn Le had been actually involved developing this game he'd have certainly pushed for a single one time purchase and let players earn perks that don't give them such huge advantages over other players, and he would have understood that the chat window should be easier to read must stay open longer. Mihn would have realized immediately how important community involvement is for the success and longevity of any multiplayer game, and this game would more interesting and attract more people for a longer time. As it is there is zero community involvement because the Server binaries are not released to the public which means you're never going to run your own TI server where you'll be able to kick and ban the punks - an absolute requirement in multi-player online gaming enjoyment. This also means that the degree of aimbotters and wallhackers has increased dramatically. And why wouldn't it? There's no VAC guard, as weak as that is, and no admins to kick punks from servers where they rack up scores of 44 and 0 AS A LEVEL 1 experience player. WTF? Really?

Last, the most egregious crap in this game is the way teams become stacked all the timeand it's silly. On just about every single room you'll notice one team has three players who have experience over level 25 with a few level 9 or 10 sergeants mixed in....and they're be playing against a team of all level 1 and 2 players who are just getting the hang of the game. These poor new players get their asses handed to them round after round. Don't you think you'd get sick of it? Of course you would - and that, in a nutshell, is the reason TI is never going to be a popular game, never going to have a following greater than it currently does, and will never earn it's dev's a dime after all is said and done. New blood feels the game is rigged against them - which is too close to REAL LIFE, ain't nobody got time for that. It's an indication of how completely out of touch these devs are with the core market who support the MP/FPS franchise. They aren't interested in dialog or communication with the communities of modders, map makers, server admins, and clans who make up the backbone of true blockbusters such as Counter Strike and Team Fortress.

That said, I gotta say, I enjoy the hell out of this game.
Posted 19 January, 2014. Last edited 12 April, 2014.
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