HEX: Chalupa On Her Toes
My dear brother, these holes in the thin air continue to pay dividends. I know not which musician you borrow your notes from, but if he has half the genius of the biologist I now observe, well... then you are to be the Mozart of Columbia.
-Chalupa On Her Toes, 1894, Columbia
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Sharpwarden 23 Agu @ 11:17am 
tactical brilliance
Vigal 3 Agu @ 8:25am 
It's game time! Let's win big.
76561199129278146 27 Feb @ 9:40am 
lets do it again
Emmy Walky o.o 11 Des 2023 @ 5:55am 
76561199544854850 9 Des 2023 @ 6:45am 
hi we played cs with you, you play cool + REP we can play together if you don’t mind
Аня ❤ 7 Des 2023 @ 8:54pm 
hi we played cs with you, you play cool + REP we can play together if you don’t mind