Pablo Ramirez
My Playlist (Sort by Recent) [open.spotify.com]
Battletag: GunmetalPj#1862

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Currently Offline
ULK 2 Nov, 2023 @ 6:43am 
put sentry down
spaces 19 Dec, 2020 @ 9:14pm 
+rep Clutch King
+rep Great Aim
+rep GG
+rep Leader 👑
+rep Epic Clutch
+rep Clutchmeister
+rep 1Tap Only
+rep Insane Skills
+rep One shot, one kill. No luck, just skill ✔
+rep Top Player 🔝
+rep Thx for carry
+rep Epic Comeback
+rep Good Teammate
+rep Friendly Person 💜
+rep AWP GOD
Benjamin Franklin 28 Apr, 2020 @ 7:51pm 
very cool gentlemen
Berlet 20 Apr, 2017 @ 4:32am 
        ... []
  | |  i*Tll..≡.| |
  | |! hello moto !| |
  | | ∧_∧ ....| | 
  | | ( ・∀・)..| |
  | | (つ  つ. ..| |
  | |μs ~~~   ..| |
  | ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~ .|/ ノ
  |⌒ ⊂⊃  ⌒|....(   
  | О (_O_) О .|
  | ①  ②  ③..|
  | ④  ⑤  ⑥..|
  | ⑦  ⑧  ⑨..|
  | 〇  〇  〇.....|
Zeradyte 16 Jun, 2016 @ 1:40am 
Hey YOU!! 👌👌 You! Yes YOU!! 👍👍 This may be copyrino pastarino (HAHA) 👌👌 But this MESSAGE has GOOD 👍👍 intentions!! It intends to tell YOU (the cool lad that's reading THIS ♥♥♥♥) to have a GREAT and KICK ASS week!!! 👍👍👍👍 Stay classy, AND SHARE THIS MESSAGE TO ALL THE COOL CATS (and other forms of life) YOU KNOW!! 👍👌👍👌👍👌

Stay classy, m8.
JinxedXd 26 Feb, 2016 @ 9:13pm 
Signed by DJ_Dry what a great guy 2nd best r6 player oce im 1st