Mishel, the Creativator
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:arcadiabay:Welcome to my domain:arcadiabay:

Justice is formed through what some people consider unwanted actions, and these unwated actions bring injustice.
เล่นไปแล้ว 40 ชั่วโมง
Pre-reading note:
Before you begin to read my review and either like it and remember it for ages, or bore of it and forget it a moment later, I want to say - yes, it's THAT kind of review. The kind that takes half a hour to write and, like, ten minutes to read.
Now, let's begin.

I want to start by saying that this, by far, has been the game I have been most comfortable with. Somehow, the developers made me not want to turn away from the screen at times, and not be easily bored or frustrated by it. I honestly enjoyed every moment of my playthough. And, just so you understand, I have been playing the perfectionist (collecting every memory and performing every possible action that is available.)
Never before have I played a Life is Strange game that is actually an open map; free-travel game. Some people might dislike that idea and claim that it does not fit the genre, but I tell thee - HELLA YES. I take it that a game of this kind is supposed to be extremely plot-focused and a relatively big map is just improper, but I see it as a great addition. The open map gave me the opportunity to do what I wasn't able to in the previous games, which is to actually have time to enjoy the game.
The first, original Life is Strange pressed me against the wall a lot of the times and made me feel stressed because in each chapter, we were either threatened, chased, or would have to be saving our girlfriend, Chloe, from imminent and repeating death. The action and drama induced Life is Strange 2 didn't leave you a moment to breathe, obviously, because the whole game is about running from the police; Meeting new people and having to leave them in the same episode, thus, not getting the chance to connect with them too much, and, of course, having our little brother act like a brat.
The closest this series has gotten to providing me that comfort (before the release of True Colors) was in Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Something about Chloe dropping out of Blackwell gave me that thought that I can finally sit down and relax and have one less thing to worry about. Then we had Rachel Amber join our adventure and we started dropping bombs on Arcadia Bay and watching the world burn together.
It's just my opinion, but Deck Nine have managed to create two of the BETTER games of the series.
I adored the original Life is Strange and it will forever have a place in my mind and heart. The game was so new, full of feelings and breathtaking, and I will always think the same of it - WHAT A MASTERPIECE.
The atmosphere in Before the Storm and True Colors is just better.
It's like saying "I know this person is good for me and they are doing their best, but... i like this person better." Sorry, can't help it.
Now, more about True Colors - we play as Alex Chen, who is the newest member of the Life is Strange family, but has no relations with the previous characters. She has a power to see what people are feeling, and, at times, FEEL what they feel. Alex is embarrassed about her ability because of the trouble it has caused her in the past, and she find it difficult to be around people because of that. The game, of course, forces you to talk to people and have Alex face her fear.
She comes to Have Springs, a small town in Colorado, in search for a new life; a new beginning - a better one with her older brother Gabe. At first, everything is fantastic and the town is welcoming and has an actual feeling of HOME (what Alex has been seeking for many years). After her brother was taking to jail, she was alone and had to face all of the world's flaws by herself.
Alex arrives at Haven, and a day or two later, her brother dies. At his wake, she hears everyone say good things about her brother and she starts to see them as family. Together with Ryan Lucan and Steph Gingrich; yes, THAT STEPH GINGRICH, they start to uncover the truth behind Gabe's death.
As they do that, they discover some nasty and ugly truths that no one likes but everyone has to hear, and the further they proceed into the investigation, the worse the truth gets.
As we play, we (that is, I) begin to develop some serious trust issues towards some of the characters and it just makes it the more interesting. It is only in the end of the game that we are really betrayed and get stabbed in the back by a person we (that is, again, I) really trusted.
The game teaches you that not everything is colorful and full of flowers and butterflies and that some things in life are just gruesome. The game also teaches us that no matter how low you fall, and even if your legs, ribs, hands and many more parts of your body are utterly broken, you can still climb up to the top, Proceeding her brother's death was a dark era, but an opportune one as well. You basically get to choose whether you mourn over Gabe's death and do nothing, or mourn over Gabe's death and act. I chose to take it positively and to get to know that part of Haven better.
One thing that caught me, and, I believe many more players in the game was the almost consistent, and repeating presence and appearance of Steph. As some of us know, Steph studied in Blackwell at the time Chloe was and back in Before the Storm, she was a side character that not many people paid attention to. In this game, the developers really integrated Steph and made her an inseparable part of the ongoing adventure. I really like Steph's personality and, generally, her whole character is amazing. We knew Steph as the D&D and nerd queen in Blackwell. Well, now she is the D&D and nerd queen of Haven. She is a great addition to the game and I really love seeing the interactions between her and Alex. Also, there is a romance option with Steph, which I, undoubtedly choose.
The most important aspect of the game, which is also the thing that made me love this gamea as much as I do is the open map (as mentioned earlier). The whole exploration of Haven gave me enough time to connect to the town, the people, and each part of the story separately and that is the missing puzzle piece in the previous games.
The game teaches you that being different is absolutely normal and that you can climb out of any hole, even the deepest. Also, the game teaches you that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade (which is an analogy to Alex using her "curse" as she called it to actually make a power out of it and make something useful out of it).
I recommend the game to everyone, and give it its own


Welcome to the Life is Strange family, Alex Chen.

P.S and perhaps spoilers:
I didn't ever hate Mac,
and neither do I hate Jed after finishing the game.
They are fantastic characters, and they obviously made mistakes, like all of us, but they aren't villians.

the end.
13 ชม. ในบันทึก
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☆Dizzy☆ 16 ก.พ. 2019 @ 11: 35pm 
Gaming is a hobby