Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Ei suositeltu
7.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 4,442.6 tuntia (2,168.7 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 11.12.2018 klo 17.59

Players: We want more optimization for the game and a better VAC
CSGO: You mean you want a battle royale
Players: No w-
CSGO: And you want the game to be free right?
Players: That's a bad ide-
CSGO: We also brought the jump glitch back
Players: Why the ♥♥♥-
CSGO: Primes also been given to anyone who has ever owned CSGO
Players: Are you guys ♥♥♥♥ing morons
CSGO: You can also buy your way into prime.

El buen copy&paste :)
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