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Yayınlanma: 22 Ara 2024 @ 10:56
Güncellenme: 22 Ara 2024 @ 10:58

Antichamber is an extremely unique puzzle game that does not conform to the laws of our reality, and it does so masterfully. Every puzzle is fair, albeit sometimes tedious and/or frustrating, and you have a map with many warp points to help you keep your bearings. Many of the puzzles require thinking outside of the box, sometimes quite literally.

I only ever had 2 gripes with the game (semi-spoiler warning on the first one). There are very specific puzzle pieces that sadly never have a use, and once you've played the game enough, you'll know what I'm referring to. My other gripe is that the game can be a bit tough of the eyes with the extremely saturated colors, specifically the red, blue, and/or green colors when next to each other.

Years later and the only puzzle game I've played that even comes close to it in quality is Manifold Garden, a game which I honestly consider to be the spiritual successor to Antichamber.
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