pjy 26.11. klo 11.22 
stop having balck diks. try mine that are more bigger than that nigg:steamhappy::steamhappy:
pjy 26.11. klo 11.21 
why you being soo sexy, you make me feel so strange. Btw im going to masturbate :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:
pjy 26.11. klo 11.17 
so you like black diks??? try some yellows, i will make you feel like back to home:steamhappy:
pjy 26.11. klo 11.17 
Sam 26.11. klo 11.16 
Prostitute :csgogun::csgohelmet:
pjy 26.11. klo 11.15 
hey bitvh how much for a night i really wanna taste you, never tried german bitvhes <3
Unuuur 8.9. klo 14.37 
this guy is retarded angry kid XDXDXD
k0v0$@1986 6.9. klo 17.06 
+rep 14/88
Shower_Stalker 25.8. klo 3.03 
bro is a mad child
Frenchie 23.3. klo 17.22 
-rep likes kids
Gamloon 23.3. klo 17.22 
-rep likes kids
-rep retarded cheater
Super Ir0l 16.3. klo 17.04 
rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ he sucks at cs
cheaters kids
Jteq#Ton 17.2. klo 15.54 
-rep bad player
Human 14.2. klo 11.16 
твоя мать в канаве лежит, подними ее ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
басятская 14.2. klo 8.19 
в мм потеет далбабе
S 3.12.2022 klo 12.22 
+rep smartest player
ToastBrot 13.9.2022 klo 13.02 
+rep sehr ruhiger csgo player
MinuS9Dioptri 5.9.2022 klo 23.08 
+Rep Friendly Comrade!
Koplamp 1.9.2022 klo 9.41 
+rep Meine Deutcher papa
mayy 〆 17.7.2022 klo 12.12 
man kriegt kostenlos sandalen aber ohne socken bei ihm
mayy 〆 17.7.2022 klo 12.11 
bester indische Basarverkäufer