Cocoa beans
Gilly   Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
♡ Crystal Maiden :powercube::
♥♥♥♥♥ to play with & against :steamsalty:
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bribunny ♡ 23 sept. 2022 à 21h12 
HamsterRetired 19 nov. 2021 à 23h07 
took so long because I was offline and sleeping but as soon as I saw it I accepted 🤠💓
Steve Stephanson 21 oct. 2021 à 15h35 
who forced you to play 3000 hours of dota 2, im so sorry :steamsad:
SSA ⇆ SPELLS 5 sept. 2021 à 1h21 
adding to buy spells
Dloading0 5 aout 2021 à 9h22 
Dr. Gilly
Nakus 28 juil. 2021 à 14h58 
send me a friend request, I need to talk to you