GentlemanGin   Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
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236 Hours played
Gundam Evo is a hero shooter most comparable to Blizzard's Overwatch in design. You can change your selected suit at any time, you have various skills with cooldown timers, you have an ultimate ability that unlocks based on your kills/healing/role. What's nice about GE is that suits do not have very hard and fast roles. Almost any suit is viable on any map. There are some suits that are more niche than others, but they're all pretty usable.

Gundam Evo's marketing and F2P direction are both non-existent. The F2P model is pretty abysmal. Grinding to unlock a new suit is close to impossible without at least springing for a season pass. Luckily, the locked suits are not pay to win in any way, but, for example, two of the three melee suits are locked behind pay/unlocks. Also, even just normal play/unlocking cosmetics: you get duplicates constantly, with basically no reward for dupes. I understand with a F2P model they need to generate revenue somehow, but welcoming this model is not. I recommend getting a season pass, using that to unlock new units, if there's a suit you really want it's worth paying for one, but I wouldn't do more than one at their prices.

Sound design is something I rarely notice in a game unless it's exceptional. I love the sound design in this game. Any Gundam fan will recognize a lot of the little noises that go on, and it's lovely.

Ranked is dead in NA, so if that's what you're into have fun staying up late to play on JP servers.

I'm going to recommend this game because you can enjoy it and only spend 10$ on it. The game has problems, but all multiplayer games do. I like Gundams, and FPS, so I like this game.
mandarr 3 Jan, 2019 @ 2:21pm 
For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, "GentlemanGin was right again."
DatWunFooL 25 Dec, 2015 @ 10:03pm 
now you have three comments, thats three times the amount I have... arnt you mr. popular O.o #salt
CoffeeRocks 15 Aug, 2015 @ 2:11am 
Now you have two profile comments.
Quiet Life 2 May, 2015 @ 11:39pm 
You had no profile comments.

Now you have a profile comment.

