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0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 2,457.1 h en tout (1,982.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 3 mai 2018 à 3h41
Mis à jour : 3 mai 2018 à 15h17
Produit reçu gratuitement

Welp... This is it. In 2 months AVA is being shut down for good. And with me having 2,100 hours in this game, I think it's finally time I post a review and give my 2 cents worth on this game and it's slow decent from glory.

Honestly it pains me to leave a negative review for a game I've spent 3 years of my life playing. It's just so sad to see what it has become.
Granted, I wasn't around back in the glory years when ijji was the publisher, but I've heard the stories and of how Aeria ruined many aspects of this game when they took over. Like making it pay to win and removing a lot of the permanent guns. I don't know all exactly what went down, cause when I started this game it was already high into Aeria's rule and perm guns had come back.

However the pay to win aspects were still very apparent, especially with the Fortune Star weapon series. Where a player would pay $20 for a spin in the Fortune Star weapon real. And get 1 gun for that spin. But this gun would be very OP, some more than others. Like the infamous MP7 Night Flyer. And each Fortune Star series would seem to get more and more over powered.

Aeria was also not very good at all about dealing with hackers. This, and with the promotion they brought to the game for the Black Rose knife to TF2 players brought in a lot of toxicity and spoiled this game, prompting countless negative reviews on Steam that were largely unjustified. Most of these were bandwagon reviews at best. Coupled with Aeria's bad execution of the game giving some technical issues for many players to even get the achievements to work. The preconceived notion that this game is merely a CSGO knock off was born which is completely false. For one this game is OLDER than CSGO. This game has one game mode similar to Counter Strike, which is Demolition where one team has a bomb and the other kills or defuses. But that is just one of twelve core game modes. Including Annihilation (team death match), Escort/Breach, Free for All, Domination, Airborn Domination, Escape, Co-op, Infection, Convoy, Riot Control, and more.

Aeria's bad publishing and making the game pay to win was equally fault at causing AVA's downfall as the TF2 community with toxic feedback. But it's pointless to waste my breath on that any further.

Later on, Aeria's contract with Red Duck (the game's developer) was terminated and it was announced that En Masse Entertainment would be taking over. We had such high hopes for EME and the future of AVA when this happened. From the start with their closed and then open beta of their version of the game it seemed they were much better. And they improved the anti hack system of the game and for a while, hackers were near non existent.

But it quickly became apparent they were not much better, keeping the pay to win guns. And their solution to the pay to win? Making in game self repair euro guns that were RIDICULOUSLY game breaking OP that anybody could get for in game euros... Flawed thinking.
Then the Black Market Glitch happened which was their fault. many players abused this glitch and got billions and trillions of euros in the game over night and it went unfixed for 2 weeks.... 2 whole weeks. EME finally fixed it then perma-banned all the people who abused said glitch... Which was literally half the entire player base. It was all down hill from there. The remaining players decreasing in numbers every day. Only the Elite remained or the cannon fodder newbies with few in between.

Now that Red Duck is in financial crisis, En Masse is shutting down AVA. I can only assume it's because they can no longer milk enough money out of it to make a profit.

This once great game is now barely a shell of it's former self and stuck in the hands of greedy companies that don't give a rat's a$$ about players. Just the $$.

I will finish my last 3 achievements and be done.
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20 commentaires
-Cadaver 24 janv. 2019 à 12h27 
its back again with ava dog tag, redduck claims no p2w this time but who knows.
MR ↑→↓↓↓ 1 juin 2018 à 13h48 
if you had played since ijji, you would be even more sad
Booplesrooplez 30 mai 2018 à 21h43 
welp guess the black rose is go up in price now, but honestly im gonna miss this game, i might not have played long but the people were very nice contrary to the reviews, almost made me feel bad to leave em...
>=SF=< Quantom X 27 mai 2018 à 15h29 
@Buns of Steel: Sucks to be you
Alkabus 27 mai 2018 à 10h01 
All i want is the black rose THATS ALL i cant dowload the game the download button is not there :[
MintMade 23 mai 2018 à 12h55 
nooo why why like this
B0S 13 mai 2018 à 9h29 
typical pay to win fail
MurderChickenXL 13 mai 2018 à 1h49 
Is it still live on the Garena platform? It the option to install it there.
|GzN²|Brandontimes 12 mai 2018 à 10h03 
true dat !
>=SF=< Quantom X 8 mai 2018 à 14h59 
Thanks irecon