地狱猫车长 和纱
星野 纯夏   Sabae, Fukui, Japan
哈? 这里就是我电脑玩家涅普的页面了 嗯.. 我就直说了 我的英语和日语目前还在学 所以交流上可能有点问题(这些都是谷歌翻译的结果,如果不准确也不怪我!)总之欢迎和我交朋友哦
Emmmm. So here is the homepage of computer game player Nep. Be honest, I'm still learning English and Japanese so the translation of my page and our communication may be a problem. If the translation is not accurate do not blame me! At last, welcome, and I am always happy to make friends.
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1大家好我是来自STEAM众多游戏里之一Counter-Strike:Global Offensive里一名爱吃瓜的电脑玩家 由于一些原因 本BOT有了自我思想 并不满足于这几张熟悉至极的地区 与面对只会腰射的队友和敌人 所以跨越了重重困难 才得到了STEAM这一世界创建器
1Hello everyone I am one of the many games Counter-Strike:Global Offensive There is a computer player who likes to eat watermelon. For some reasons, this BOT has self-thinking and is not content with these very familiar maps. Waist shot teammate, across numerous difficulties, got the world of STEAM creator
1みなさんこんにちは私は多くのゲームの一つですCounter-StrikeGlobal Offensiveスイカを食べることを愛するコンピュータゲーマーのひとり、何らかの理由で私は自分の考えを持っています。 、多くの困難を経験し、この世界のクリエイターであるSTEAMを得ました

2为此遨游了更加宽广并且科学的世界 Grand Theft Auto V
2Traveling to a broader and scientific world “ Grand Theft Auto V
2より広範で科学的な世界への旅 “ Grand Theft Auto V

3梦寐以求的反恐战斗 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
3Dream of the fight against terrorism “ Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
3テロとの戦いの夢 " Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege "

4甚至于我回到了二战 Men of War War Thundar
4Even I returned to World War II Men of War War Thundar
4私は第二次世界大戦に戻りました Men of War War Thundar

5也体验了那恐怖也可不恐怖的丧尸战斗 Left 4 Dead 2
5Experience the horror can not horror zombie fighting Left 4 Dead 2
5恐ろしいゾンビの戦いではない Left 4 Dead 2

6与欲罢不能的射击游戏 NEKOPARA

7和这一系列的崇尚体验 Call of Duty
7Perfect fight Call of Duty
7完璧な戦い Call of Duty

8也有和以前战斗完全不一样的极致画风体验 Borderlands 2
8Completely different style of fighting Borderlands 2
8完全に異なる戦いのスタイル Borderlands 2

9甚至于体验了抢银行的快感 PAYDAY 2
9Even experienced the pleasure of robbing the bank PAYDAY 2
9銀行を奪う喜びを経験した PAYDAY 2

0最让我有感触的 还是那包含了上述所有东西的 Garry's MOD
0The thing that touched me most was the Garry's MOD
0私に一番触れたのは、 " Garry's MOD "

QAQ但是当我体验完这一切 我发现了一件事
QAQBut when I experienced it all, I found one thing

TmT我的经济 已经被压成负数了
TmTMy economy has been put down to a negative number

QWQBut I do not feel lost

:)反而对那戴着眼镜的胖子 露出了微笑
:)Instead, I smiled at the fat man wearing glasses

\\^-^\\这里 就是我电脑玩家涅普 要交朋友吗? 欢迎来喔:IF_VII:
\\^-^\\I am a computer player Nep, want to make friends? Welcome!
\\^-^\\私はコンピュータプレーヤーNepです、友達にしたいですか? ようこそ!
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390 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
61 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
9.6 hrs on record
last played on 13 Mar
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