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:_Q_: :2016gameingame: :2016imnotcrying: :2016villain: :2016whoadude: :2017stickydrink: :2017stickycrab: :2017stickyorange: :2017stickytube: :2017stickysquirt: :8infinity: :A: :ADNFeather: :anarky: :balloon: :batsilo: :bcandy: :blastshot: :BOOM_DO: :bunkeraxe: :campfire: :CaptainM: :carbon: :classicbarrel: :ControllerLayout: :csgoa: :csgoanarchist: :csgoct: :csgox: :Cuboid: :CW_ArmyChicka: :Cylindrical: :Decahedron: :dobrovoletz: :dontaxe: :energycharge: :Etaria_Wonder: :fedoraunderneath: :FiredProjectile: :FLAME_SHOT: :flashoflightning: :flashlightunderneath: :frozenf: :GATimp: :gcandy: :GL_endorlight: :gnomoria: :greenenergy: :Greenmachine: :Grizz: :Hands: :hammersickle: :htpts: :heroquestfire: :heroquestfreeze: :heroquesthealing: :heroquestthunder: :icemen: :InjusticeFlash: :ins: :jcoin: :jesus_rock: :joke: :just_T: :justO: :KK_bad: :lcrown: :Letter_D: :letter_E: :litteras_E: :LiquidCourage: :Map_DO: :melanholia: :memorandum: :mentashadow: :metalkey: :mktomato: :mllrM: :NanoBorgHero: :NanoBorgRedyHappy: :NletterNKOA: :P: :pandashocked: :pandastunned: :Pipe1: :pinkFlowerNKOA: :positive1: :pressX: :Puzzlin: :retention: :Rubber_Duck: :saphr: :Scarabship: :SFvictory: :sgsurvivor: :shinelight: :sihAngry: :sihCry: :sihWonder: :SixShot: :skeletonunderneath: :spherical: :sr4eagle: :sr4paul: :sr4sunglasses: :tank: :The_portal: :TheRedGuard: :theShipGun: :thespiritunderneath: :TraashCan: :ufogreen: :wh: :whathell: :whiteenergy: :Y: :yellowFlowerNKOA: :zvezdochka: :zssz:

A = :A: || :csgoa:
B = :blastshot:
C = :carbon:
D = :Letter_D:
E = :letter_E:
G = :gnomoria:
H = :htpts:
I = :icemen:
J = :jcoin:
K =
L = :GL_endorlight:
M = :mllrM:
N = :NletterNKOA:
O = :justO:
P = :P:
Q = :_Q_:
R = :retention:
S = :sgsurvivor:
T = :just_T:
U = :lcrown:
V = :SFvictory:
W = :wh:
X = :pressX:
Y = :Y:
Z = :zssz:
Rarest Achievement Showcase
76561199060195399 5 May, 2022 @ 3:33pm 
signed by me :) lets play csgo
♦ 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂𝒉 23 Sep, 2020 @ 1:45pm 
Fry: 🐝 "Very 🌸 impressive. 📗 Back 🌏 in 🍆 the 🍖 20th ⛳ century 👑 we 💗 had 🎁 no 🐳 idea 🐛 there 🕺 was 👃 a 🎄 university 🐠 on 🥒 Mars." 🚕 Prof. 🏓 Farnsworth: 🎽 "Well 🎈 in 📒 those 💙 days 🌳 Mars 🎫 was 💚 just 🌽 a 🏀 dreary 📘 uninhabitable 🌂 wasteland... 🔋 much ⚡ like 🐊 Utah. 👔 But 📕 unlike 🥞 Utah, 👽 it 👾 was 📀 eventually 💄 made 👳 livable, 🎽 when 🌋 the 🥗 university 🚙 was 💛 founded 👹 in 🌏 2636." 🚕 Leela: 🐟 "They 🚗 planted 🐛 traditional 🍖 college 🥞 foliage: 🍧 ivy, 🥒 trees, 📀 hemp...."
Diveider 30 Jan, 2018 @ 9:23am 
midNight 13 Dec, 2017 @ 3:12am 
Já vai boltz ??

CURRY 27 Jun, 2017 @ 9:30pm 
.. 24 Jun, 2017 @ 7:36pm 
..............„-~''-,::::::::::::::::::: ''-„
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...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,-' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWN
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