Greg   Minnesota, United States
Im an Independent Writer and publisher, content creator, gamer and streamer! You can find my game streams of all VR games, and new and old games alike!
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Squad: A-10/SU-25 Destruction Compilation (Part 2!)
Review Showcase
16.3 Hours played

I Expect You To Die 2 offers some of the best Virtual Reality experiences and game play you can find in 2021 at the moment. From Picking up a clipboard and blocking bolts from a crossbow and turning around and using them, to punching buttons to order food and cutting off the antagonists with a directors clapper board, I Expect You To Die 2 leaves little to be desired. Each mission has its own theme and nothing really feels repetitive or Overused. Within the missions are you challenged in different ways and you are very much rewarded for speed running and trying new things.

Lock And Load, Agent

Comfort And Controls – Schell Games prioritizes comfort over everything else and it really shows. You don’t have to move much at all and all the movement is twisting and turning. This game is great for handicap people who cannot stand or otherwise. There is not much leaning at all and you do not burn a lot of energy vs games like Onward and Legendary Tales. Overall your comfort is their highest priority and saves you a lot of energy.

Relax Agent, We Have Everything Under Control

Level Design

All 6 levels are easy to play and just as easy to memorize, even for those with terrible memory. Repetition is mastery and you will find yourself learning the levels quickly as you play around with things around the level and discover some very nice hidden scenes and sequences. You will just have to discover some of them for yourself!

Final Thoughts

I expect you to die 2 is a high quality, well developed game built on the Unity Engine and is very much worth any price you pay from full price to on sale. Even though I have not 100 percent the game by any means, it is well worth the experience for the first play though, and it will leave you wanting more, and I am hoping for some DLC, otherwise we might be waiting another 5 years for a third installment of I expect you to die. This game gets a 10/10 in my books and I highly recommend this to any age group and anyone!
Review Showcase
45 Hours played

The Game defiantly holds your hand for the first 30 minutes, as you get a bunch of game play right away. , then it slows down to a base/headquarters section of the game where you can choose your load out and select missions from your home. As you progress, you will learn how to select a load out, learn the SMG, pistol, and rifle. Your book shows your load out, your current and last missions, as well as any discoverable items that you may have found.

Sniper Elite VR Also gives you multiple ways to play though a mission, which are welcomed on the harder difficulties, as you easily get swarmed by automatic fire and sniper rounds. The realistic bullet model feels very tuned and its extremely hard to land a head shot on a man in cover. Holding your rifle at an angle will result in your bullet drop being off and your shot missed. The Belt system can use some tasty tips from Onward; a more clean cut way of holstering your weapons compared to Sniper Elite VR’s current implementation.

The Story Is fast paced and the flow of the game is kept to a steady beat. Each Mission has you in a different part of Italy, all the while bring your some majestic views of some very beautiful mountains peaks. Game elements (such as tower defense or waves) which, to those that enjoy Wave mechanics and tower defense, this game is gonna feel right at home for you. The Waves are not endless by any means, and you find yourself finishing missions mid fight, which can be a bit of a turn off after living in your Lee Enfields Scope for Thirty plus minutes.
An Authentic Difficulty Headshot

Level Design

Level Design is right where it should be for a studio like this. It is easy to place explosives around the map and use them in the right time to make a very strategic play. There is one level where I placed a mine to drop a Jager, who was armored and armed with a sniper… and he doesn’t go down in one shot. This is where place-able/ equipable items such as the proximity mine come in handy Other missions do feel like they are implemented back in a different and more difficult way, which makes you use what you learned in very reinforcing way. Rocket launchers are placed about the levels as well, and the collectables are placed in positions that reward you for checking and looking. Even some of the ammunition given to you will greatly reduce the amount of shooting you will have to do.
Using Munitions Around The Level Is A Great Boon

Comfort And Controls

Controls and Comfort As for the controls, they feel like they have been optimized for the Quest 2 in mind. Nothing about handing any rifle with the Valve Index (Knuckle) Controllers feels remotely similar to Onward in anyway. Now I know these are two different beasts, but I am hoping to see a feature to select your controller for the most optimized VR experience. This does not pair well with a clunky feeling belt. However this is by no means game breaking. They have recently updated the game with better working AI and improvements to the belt and equipment holster.

Toggle switch for holding a rifle is really nice because I do find myself tensing up on the rifle, distorting my point of aim. With toggle you are able to let go of your grips and relax. Its a really nice feature they added, and it saves you energy and strain on the hands and wrists.

Snipe Elite VR can easily become a sweaty game as you are always ducking and reloading from incoming fire. Its not as accurate as some players might be in multiplayer games like Onward, but this can be a good thing, even on Authentic Difficulty.
Sometimes You Just Get Lucky (Authentic Difficulty)

Final Thoughts

I Think Sniper Elite VR offers something in a space that VR is not too well developed yet. The Story line feels very much like the old PS2 Call of Duty Games, And that’s not bad at all! Rebellion Studios nails the feel and look of the last Great War, and its done so without being so taxing and demanding.

The Gun play feels good enough although I wish they polished the look and feel of the automatic rifles a little more, as I really enjoy running though like the map with an automatic and clearing the map of Nazis like the good old PlayStation 2 days. The narration and story are very immersive and the situations you are put in are very challenging and very fun and worth the full price of the game.

If you would like to See more content on Sniper Elite VR, Check out Our Content At GamesWithGreg Youtube And Twitter! And share if you think this will help someone!
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☯ Xtra 23 Dec, 2022 @ 8:59pm 
this guy right here. pretty cool dude
a1valleybusiness 6 Jun, 2021 @ 6:02pm 
I heard you created a new site. What's the URL?
JuSt_EnOuGh 8 Nov, 2014 @ 12:32am 
Im so glad you are playing with us :) We love you Greg!