COWABUNGAITISTHEN 2019年12月27日 17時22分 
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FloydOfTheGrave 2016年5月22日 10時54分 
_The Mimosa Maestro_ 2010年11月11日 16時57分 
Yea...also why does it say you are offline?
yennec 2009年11月22日 11時17分 
lol guess what. i just read your post from march :(. i dont get on here very often...
Nuova Vita 2009年11月6日 19時36分 
what the hell clan tag is that?
76561198005057691 2009年5月12日 9時37分 
yu just got gmod :< ♥♥♥♥
76561198005057691 2009年5月12日 9時30分 
half life story line- ok yu start out at black messa a reserch fasility in southern europe deticated to teliportation and gorden freeman was higherd to work there. he was put on a porject to put a cristale in a huge telipoter.but something wnet rong thes things started to come out of it and the hl1 war began.later in the 2 game opposing force yu play as a soldier and yu fight thes creaters while trying to kill or captuer gorden freeman. at the end yu fight a huge creter (idk the name) but when yu kill him the death of it makes a portale to antoher dimenchin this is the end of oppsing force and the end of the hl1 wars. in hl2 to make it short yu fight thes thing called the combine to make a long story short there was a 7 hour war and earth lost. yu have to stop the combine form depeleting the planet of its resorces.and the end of the serise hl2 eps 2 eli nad the old man and dr magneson make a missle that will stop the combine portals from opeing they fire the missle and stop the portal