t_fit 23 órája 
weird name for someone with a micro penis
Kami nov. 12., 9:25 
nice m4
NICO nov. 1., 19:01 
+rep Honest and real dude.
QuackZ okt. 11., 10:22 
added to discuss trade for your awp
Gudal aug. 23., 13:04 
+rep AK killer о_О
Clover ☘ júl. 1., 15:10 
u smell
Minephuc máj. 3., 17:56 
Chad moment +rep :sadrandy:
Rayna Roth 2023. dec. 31., 23:15 
what are u doing legend C:
Emmy Walky o.o 2023. nov. 5., 17:24 
shrizzles 2023. okt. 30., 21:25 
legendary team member, goes hard, took a dink from my auto sniper like a man too
✪ HATE_ME 2023. okt. 22., 16:36 
we reported