After all, to die isn't the opposite of living. It's merely a component of the process of life. Without observing death up close, one can't capture the full picture of what it means to live.
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yhteensä 7,3 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 25.11.
yhteensä 0,1 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 17.11.
yhteensä 0,2 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 17.11.
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Kazuma_ 7.10. klo 12.24 
heey, added ;3
Zujind 8.9. klo 14.16 
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skull 25.8. klo 9.12 
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Adolace 8.7. klo 8.21 
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LackOfMorality&Compassion 26.12.2023 klo 5.55 
Awp: Safari Lore 23.12.2023 klo 6.43 
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