
FuzzDad 最近的评测

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总时数 449.4 小时 (评测时 11.3 小时)
PITA game but it's addictive and can be fun if you go slow and learn the maps/vehicles. Hard to understand the leveling so watch as many vids as you can to figure it out (no real help in-game on how to do stuff).
发布于 2021 年 11 月 16 日。
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总时数 5,870.3 小时 (评测时 164.3 小时)
Awesome game with awesome players. Get a clan and have fun. Way too much stuff to do and the grind can be a...grind...but super content if you enjoy PVE and OK PVP. Typical bungie though...the do nerf a lot of weapons once they figure out how OP things get at times.
发布于 2019 年 11 月 14 日。
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有 24 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 0.8 小时
Interesting story, wonderful voice acting, haunting music...very half-lifian in terms of simple puzzles and a few times during the game I was genuinely moved (the music really works here). Some of the things on screen basically shout the general storyline and it's not hard to figure out the ending well before the ending but that's ok...in some game formats (like this one and Dear Esther) it's ALWAYS about the journey and how you get to the end and what you learn is much more important than the end. There were a few glitches (I could phase half-though a few doors, the plane crash sequence was...choppy, I'm not sure a single achievement worked, and my gametime counter only showed a half-an-hour when I played a good 2.5 hours) but none of them took anything away from the game. In terms of the "Walkers" I've played...better than Dear Esther but not quite Firewatch (that's not a bad thing mind-you but IMHO Firewatch was brilliant and it's in my top 10 games of ALL TIME) and getting something original and story-driven makes me happy. 90% FD Score. Buy it!
发布于 2017 年 5 月 23 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 3.5 小时
So...I'm in this closet in The Stanley Parable and because I know something about the game and how games are made, I decide not to do anything other than open and close the door a few times. The narrator comes on and over the course of five beautifully narrated minutes of me doing nothing of consequence, I start to have a minor epiphany (the first one I ever had was “The Universe is Big”...that infinity thing blew my 9-year old world-revolves-around-me mind). Epiphanies come at odd points in our lives and as you remember, I'm in this closet in the game, and I'm realizing the more I devour gaming news and insights into this art form we love (since you’re reading this on Steam you must love gaming so I’m bringing you in as a close friend here), the less an impact it has on me while I play it…or maybe it has a HUGE impact on me. Oh oh…I’ve arrived at a conundrum. Was I bored with doing nothing of consequence or did I really just have a minor life-altering experience in a game that’s maybe not really a game? You know how reading about movies and seeing endless clips before the movie releases can cause you to be disappointed in the final film? Maybe I was at that point in The Stanley Parable…I thought I knew what the game was about…but I was having so much fun listening to the narration it was a foregone conclusion I was going to finish the game.

I have this sneaking suspicion that’s exactly what the creators of The Stanley Parable want. The “game” is certainly enjoyable at a “they-are-making-fun-of-how-games-work-and-how-we-respond” level. It’s smart, well written, and expertly narrated. But I wonder how that narration goes over in a country where the British accent is omnipresent. Here in the U.S. it sounds wonderful, and part of my enjoyment was the narrator’s inflection, his pacing, and his skill at sounding so, well, so BRITISH…or at least what I as an American, think is “BRITISH”. Would the game stand up as well with an American accent? Wheatley in Portal2 stands in the same space (or should I saw is lost in space), but that’s probably because Stephen Merchant can read a line in a dictionary and I’d listen to it with clear joy in my heart. So…I can’t decide if I’m bored with the game or in love with the narration and that’s what I felt the entire time I played The Stanley Parable…bored and in love.

I have to say…this feeling was entirely foreign. I’ve never experienced something like this in a game before. It’s not ambivalence, but like my dog Kip does when I say something to him and he’s not sure what the correct response should be, he ♥♥♥♥♥ his head to the side and gives me that LOOK…”I’m interested in what you are saying but I’m not exactly sure why”. And that’s why I completed the game and that’s why I think you should to. It’s original, it’s strange, it’s…not of this universe we gamers usually inhabit…it makes you think about how we play games. And I think that’s probably a good thing.

NOTE: Play the game before you read much about it. Finish it up and then do a web search on the many possible endings…you might want to try a few. Technically running this is a breeze on just about ANY PC system out there…it is simple Source level design with some unique programming tricks and easy on resources.
发布于 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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总时数 45.5 小时 (评测时 45.4 小时)
At the end of TR, just as you're about to win, there's a sequence that brought back something iconic from the previous Tomb Raider games and it made me smile…I should have expected it but didn’t and it just made me smile when it happened. These are the moments I always want in games but seldom experience…when Gordon picked up the super gravity gun and went OFF…when Commander Shepard walked the line at the end of ME2…when Shoeless Joe Jackson tells Ray Kinsella “Build it and HE will come” (sorry…not a game). At some point half-way through I really started to care about Lara Croft. I stopped analyzing the game for its merits and started playing it enthusiastically. So much so that when I knew I was on the last quest I stopped and went back to all my previous locations to pick up any remaining things because I wanted to prolong the experience…not “level up”. That should tell you something.

The game really isn’t that hard, the puzzles are not complicated, the side missions and searches for "stuff" are not totally integral to the story...but I was having so much fun I finished all the core mission’s w/100% of the non-essential stuff I had to find. I spent hours looking for mushrooms, flags, and Buddha’s. It really was that good (far better than mining planets in ME2). I identified with the physical locations in the game (remote island w/lots of Japanese WW2 stuff in it), I identified with the hero in a way I haven't since Portal 2 and Mass Effect 2, and I thought the voice acting was excellent. Even though your compatriots don’t do much but die (in solid QT sequences), they add to the sense that Lara is in way over her head and maybe somewhat out of her head. Tomb Raider was the most enjoyable game I've played in a long time. Although technically a reboot, this is an entirely original game that should appeal to anyone. The level design was original and very vertical, some of the QT sequences are totally implausible but incredibly fun, there’s a LOT of gore early on (and in some of the later missions), and although the story is only slightly above average…it’s told exceptionally well.

In a nutshell…best gaming experience for me since Mass Effect 2 and Portal 2.

Notes: Most if not all the technical issues at start have been corrected with updates and new video drivers. The much vautned TRESSFX hair effect is, more or less, a foo-foo add to get you to run their benchmark...but it is a cool mini-benchmark and you owe it to yourself to try it (if for anything else than to see your gaming rig crawl to 16fps or slower at max settings).
发布于 2013 年 4 月 7 日。 最后编辑于 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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总时数 16.2 小时 (评测时 15.8 小时)
Games can be art...they can be transcendent and rise to something...different than just "art". Maybe not "better" than traditional art...looking at most non-interactive art is passive and mental and can lead to an emotional experience. But there are moments in some games where you hit all those descriptive adjectives and through the tactile manipulation of your character you achieve an amazing sense of accomplishment as well.

This movie tells the story of a few independent developers and the emotional experience each went through trying to get their game published. It's much more than a "gaming" movie...it's really nothing more than people pursuing their dreams and allowing all of us to share in them. It's really a great little movie about a few little great games and the souls who built them.

Personal note: I've done a little of this in my past making levels for a game my son started and I have to say on a really small scale, I completely understand what these guys went through.
发布于 2012 年 6 月 13 日。 最后编辑于 2013 年 11 月 25 日。
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