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Évaluation publiée le 9 avr. 2018 à 5h23

Runs well, plays well (even better with friends), looks great, and sounds great.
Decent story that works well enough with an open world. Simple objective (beat the main baddies) with many ways to build up to that point. Excellent atmosphere as well. Voice actors really pull through, with 4 out of 5 actors of named characters on average delivering incredible performances and the other 1/5 still being acceptable. Joseph's speech when you defeat all three main baddies sounds so genuine, and the voice acting during the ending has real weight to it.

Reeeeaaaally didn't like one main baddie's region. Faith, to be precise. Without spoilers, interactions with her make no sense and are tedious. She also distorts your view on the animals of the landscape, sometime fabricating them right in front of you, which has made navigating the area to be quite the nuisance on occasion. All three baddies nab you, but only John's method is legitimate. Faith and Jacob's methods just sort of... happen, and it feels more like an interruptive experience than John's method for this reason. Then, for a game grounded in reality (at least more so than other iterations), Faith's witch-like abilities (you'll know what I mean if you play) and Jacob's box affect the protagonist in ways that made me scratch my head exasperatedly, not than feel fear or worry.

Separating this because it's big. I liked the ending a lot right up until the VERY end. In this game, you set out to accomplish "Goal X", and through doing "Goal Y"s, you take steps to "Goal X". Unfortunately, the game ends with you building up everything only to actually make negative progress. It wouldn't even be so bad if the final diabolus ex machina plot device didn't ruin everything in the last minute before the credits. To further clarify, the premise of the ending is very cool, and the final segment is actually handled exceedingly well (again, excellent atmosphere). However, pulling away "Goal X" from the player with the final cutscene makes the player feel bad. Not in a heart-wrenching, depressing kind of way, but more of a "Oh, what? Come on..." kind of way.

If you're anything like me, you'll probably have a lot of fun, but you might find some parts of the story (or some characters) tedious, arbitrary, and seemingly like it's bad events just for the sake of it, which might take you out of it a little. Then, the ending might make you feel completely let down as a player. This is the quintessential 2018 version of "Journey, not the Destination", because the game goes well enough, but the destination is kind of rubbish.

Very good, but not great.
The last bit of the ending actually seriously definitely 100% took of a whole point. Yep.
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