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Welcome :)
Sorry guys , I have cashed out. I don't trade anymore , good luck!

★ This is my only account , I dont use any accounts other than this one.
Every other account is an imposter.
Please , report these guys :
Or any other account that you find impersonating me.

Some info

:greenbeast1: Dont try to scam me , just wasting your time. :caster_happy:
:greenbeast1: I will not give free items , so please don't ask for them. :csgohelmet:
:greenbeast1: Feel free to add me , I accept most invites unless your profile\ invetory is private, or you have nothing in your invetory that interests me.

I will accept your friend request if :
:coffeecreamer: Your profile is not private.
:coffeecreamer: Your invetory is not private.
:coffeecreamer: Your profile\ invetory has anything that intrests me or I see a reason to accept you.
:coffeecreamer: You are not offline (I check friend invites pretty often , and If I want to accept you and you are offline , I will wait until you are online and only then accept. since mostly if I accept offline people we end up never talking.)

But I am not always available, so try to send an offer before adding me.

I automaticly block all private profiles / private inventories invites.

:bluebeast1: If you add me , pleae comment on my profile including the reason for faster response.

:crown1: Have a nice day and thanks for stopping by ! :)

{LINK REMOVED} (sold in total over 19,000:dollarcash: worth of skins :Quilly:)

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Counter-Strike 2
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Salacious ♪ Rosalia 🍑 28 Apr, 2019 @ 12:09am 
💃🥞💚🌏🌽🏀🥒🍆🐛 ║♥ #017 Jelly Heart
😺🐠🚘🕺🚕🌳🌸💛🥒 ║✩ "I'm bad with emoticons."
Sebzillax 13 Jul, 2018 @ 2:48pm 
Added for possible trade :c
[PBSr] Screwdriver 10 Jul, 2018 @ 6:17am 
added fro trade
★ macoy 9 Jul, 2018 @ 2:17pm 
added for trade
KySmAsTeR_64 5 Jul, 2018 @ 4:06pm 
added for trade
「haxon」 30 Jun, 2018 @ 10:20am 
I wanna trade your m9rust coat send me trad eoffer pls tradelink on my profile