Kitsune 5 Οκτ, 4:56 
why is it that little crusaders and archons complain the most even after I win them the game? Swear they are the worst kind of players and the ones that are around in abundance... literally
Kitsune 28 Σεπ, 22:43 
こんにちは、元気です how is life in archon? low ass skill player
so ass
deleted dota ♥♥♥♥♥♥
yo have 10k games but so assss assssssssss asssssssssssssssss stupid 1k player
Cthulhu 3 Σεπ, 9:02 
a kos nane
Kitsune 16 Ιουλ, 22:14 
You people are sick
レゾナンス 2 Ιουλ, 14:30 
low skill, stop launch this game pls
BlueApple 21 Μαρ, 3:28 
Certified Special
Naomi 💅 22 Φεβ, 14:27 
Cilencio por fabor c-ñor canser
Symbiosis 21 Ιαν, 5:01 
Cancer to Dota2 Community.
Naomi 💅 11 Νοε 2023, 18:26 
Kitsune 16 Οκτ 2023, 4:36 
por cierto todos te reportaron en ese game no solamente yo, desinstala el juego hazle en favor a todos
Kitsune 16 Οκτ 2023, 4:35 
Que pinches huevotes tienes para venir a publicar en mi perfil despues de pasartela 30minutos farmeando en top y jungla mientras todos moriamos en teamfights 4v5, lo peor que yo era posicion 4 y tu 1 y aun asi tuve mas farm que tu, y asi vienes a publicar en mi perfil, asco de peruano 100% ni una duda que eso eres
Psicolejo 16 Οκτ 2023, 4:10 
Una mrd de gente, se la pasa llorando todo el juego y ni sabe jugar
Kitsune 15 Αυγ 2023, 3:39 
OMFG dude I have not played with you in like a year don't you have anything else to do?
LateN 11 Αυγ 2023, 15:06 
u r really bad for dota no play plz
Ken 9 Μαρ 2023, 19:50 
you did, I watched the replay
Kitsune 9 Μαρ 2023, 19:38 
I didn't even have forcestaff... or if I did I never used it on you because why would I?
Ken 25 Φεβ 2023, 6:15 
Hey, this is the Elder Titan that you forcestaffed to safety then was able to rampage your entire team. Where would you like your payment sent? Thanks for the help. :steamthumbsup:
ṀISCΞGΞNΛTI0N 11 Φεβ 2023, 18:24 
nice bloodseeker
hauntological 24 Ιαν 2023, 7:13 
Ohhh, yeah I don't really remember but I think it was cause of that gay ass paragraph you wrote down there. hope this helps
Kitsune 23 Ιαν 2023, 23:04 
Yea and that is why you come and post on my profile cuz it was just another ''tuesday''
hauntological 23 Ιαν 2023, 17:48 
Hey man. If it makes you feel any better I literally have no idea who you are. You getting owned might have been memorable to you but to me it was just another Tuesday baby
Kitsune 23 Ιαν 2023, 15:52 
Hauntological, you were nothing special, I had a support hero and was owning your sorry behind... like my carry was doing anything in that game besides dying.
In Spain Without The S 10 Ιαν 2023, 5:11 
Hi, I'm a burd player (ancient, that's higher than crusader) and I pooped on your mailbox...
hauntological 10 Ιαν 2023, 5:10 
i am immortal (higher than ancient) and i think you are not good too its not just the crusaders
Kitsune 28 Δεκ 2022, 23:09 
In fact this comment section is proof enough that valve hates me, it gives me the most useless and toxic teammates that will never make it past crusader and expects me to win with 4 teammates like that, I know I am good but not even Arteezy could pull it off with 4 toxic and useless teammates that take the time to post on a teammate's profile. Not just that but crying about a normal match that was not even in ranked... Holy fk man what has the world come to.
Kitsune 28 Δεκ 2022, 5:14 
Do you see how many rampages I have and commends and MVPs? See all my stats and medal? How am I bad with those numbers...? So insane, all the comments here are from people with crusader and below not one single ancient at least... so sad
LateN 18 Δεκ 2022, 10:26 
Yes but u r really bad for dota
Kitsune 16 Δεκ 2022, 3:44 
You people are crazy haha
KaizeN 13 Δεκ 2022, 15:09 
this guy is completely useless in this game, how $tup1d can he be in a simple game
☠☠☠GHOST RIDER☠☠☠î 10 Δεκ 2022, 8:41 
Delete Dota 2 Plis Peruvian.
LateN 4 Δεκ 2022, 8:16 
LateN 4 Δεκ 2022, 8:15 
haha pls delete dota 2 u cant play this game u r really bad
LateN 8 Οκτ 2022, 7:15 
trash player report this noob
Bronoxx 30 Σεπ 2022, 3:15 
Bro for real go see a doctor something must be wrong with your head. Try to seek medical attention or something bad will happen to you and you know it your brain is not functioning properly
Bronoxx 30 Σεπ 2022, 3:11 
Dude just quit the game already
Hey I´m Arima 25 Σεπ 2022, 0:23 
u and yours friends ez ban soon
Naomi 💅 30 Ιουν 2022, 21:12 
Si este cabrón se dedicara como se debe, Russia no estaría borbandeando Ukrania.
Brazos Dogman 21 Ιουν 2022, 13:05 
this guy wants to be asian so bad. #1 weeabo
Naomi 💅 5 Ιαν 2022, 16:03 
This guy no más anda de Mamapichas Deluxe Edition 3.0 2022.
Bettlejuice 17 Νοε 2021, 11:48 
u looked me up, that means u were actually cared :)
Kitsune 15 Νοε 2021, 19:57 
Takebitch I just saw your rank on dotabuff https://www.dotabuff.com/players/175712608 oooooh wooooow guardian 1 I am soooo scared....
Bettlejuice 12 Νοε 2021, 13:23 
if we play 1v1 u gonna feed me lol
Kitsune 12 Νοε 2021, 9:01 
Takebitcho just get out of my profile you moron, if you want I will 1v1 you and show you your reality
Bettlejuice 10 Νοε 2021, 9:58 
but u are feeder tho
Kitsune 5 Νοε 2021, 22:39 
I'm not even Peruvian
Dr. Egon Cholakian 2 Νοε 2021, 11:17 
trash Peruvian feeder
KirbMON 2 Νοε 2021, 9:01 
useless trash.
Bettlejuice 9 Ιουλ 2021, 10:12 
nah, u bought the account 100%
Kitsune 5 Ιουλ 2021, 15:42 
Plus I have a ton of other games, I will not buy an account just for DOTA... like really children these days