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Recent reviews by ForeignSpirit

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96.6 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Good game
Posted 11 December, 2024.
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2.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Fun game that plays itself.
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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464.7 hrs on record (317.5 hrs at review time)
So I saw a random video on YT on random evening and i saw that X4 will get massive update. I saw abstract UI but it looked "fun" ( worth mentioning that as for now i have 1200 hrs in Stellaris and i gave some of my monet to Chris Roberts to have fun in Star Citizen)

Checked on steam there was some nice special offer for full pack of game and DLC's,

First 5 hrs i spent in tutorial learning how to basics and then when i felt ready i started young gun playthrough.

Oh god i can promise you first 50 hours of the first run is tutorial. You will make mistakes. You will feel pain of "how it happened" and some random mistakes that will end with loosing your only first ships.

But then after those 50 hours you will start to understand that this is all you always wanted ( except UI and pilots AI could be better).

After 100 hours you will understand most of mechanics in the game and i you will find yourself here like a second home. Literally righ now i have ~300hrs run and im just doing some stuff for achievements. You can fly in this game and do stuff yourself like shooting stuff, performing legal logistical operations (selling vegetables), performing illegal logistical operations (selling drugs), be a industrial magnate, exploring for good views, having fun as a space taxi, influence empires to go war and selling both of them weapons to fight, stealing ships, hacking stations, painting map (just like in stellaris) AFKing for 10 hours straight and click some stuff once per hour for terraforming missions when on second screen you watch a film or something.

I played this game for a month practically non stop. I learned this game i have still fun, still achievements to get, stuff to test, big ships to blow, small ships to pop and many other things.

If you can survive first hours of "I dont know what i am doing" you will not regret any $$$ spent on this game. I heard that it had some flows when it launched, but as is right know i can definitely reccomend it for anyone. BUT maybe, maybe there is always a small chance that i have some stockholm syndrom and in this moment im asking someone to join my own addiction.

Anyway i am going back to clicking terraforming projects,

Posted 9 May, 2024.
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91.4 hrs on record (80.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 13 September, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Banging on a trashcan
Posted 28 September, 2022.
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15.9 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
Posted 17 September, 2022.
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161.1 hrs on record (108.5 hrs at review time)
>bądź mną
>lvl 25
>3 w nocy a po południu do roboty
>przeczytaj randomowy komentarz o serwerze battlefield w rust
>odpal giere
>nie wiem o co chodzi ale jest fajnie
>zabijam może raz na 10 śmierci ale w tle słysze randomowego kolesia udającego skalmara, pornola odpalonego do mikrofonu, jakiegoś typa który prowadzi jakiś monolog mający (chyba) wzmocnić morale zespołu, jakiś typ co gada tak niskim tonem że aż bas w słuchawkach wszedł w 4 gęstość
>spędź tak 3 godziny w trakcie wewnętrznego kiśniecia ze śmiechu
>profit emocjonalny jest więc można iść spać

reszta gry też jest całkiem spoko

Posted 17 April, 2022. Last edited 29 April, 2022.
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156.1 hrs on record (152.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 17 March, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,252.0 hrs on record (557.0 hrs at review time)
In the last 3 weeks i spend more time in this game than in real life. Mission accomplished life is no more.
Posted 5 January, 2022.
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30.7 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
Its like Planetary anihiliation or supreme commander. It just works. Very good balance and graphics.
Posted 9 December, 2020.
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