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7 of 13 (54%) Uppnådda prestationer::

Personliga prestationer

Ancient Relic

Find a secret Impaler before Dracula's Castle
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 20:44

Ionian and Doric Just Don't Cut It

Get the wand at the end of Greece
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 20:27

Overkill is Underrated

Find a hidden weapon upgrade
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 20:08

Ludonarrative Dissonance

Find a lore-unfriendly secret in Greece
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 20:49

It's Hard to Relax

Die on Sightseeing Mode
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 20:52

Die by the Sword

Kill an enemy with their own projectile
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 19:56

The End...?

Beat the game
Upplåst 18 jan, 2023 @ 20:36

Shameless Promotion

Click one of the social links on the main menu

Et Tu Brute?

Complete the museum level using only the dagger

Field Trip

Complete the museum without taking any damage

True Gentleman

Complete Streets using only the flintlock and dagger

The Chop Won't Stop

Beat the game on "Once Again" mode

Goblin Mode

Beat the game on "Goblin" difficulty