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Recent reviews by Floridaskye

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7.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Very chill and relaxed
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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60.2 hrs on record (56.8 hrs at review time)
Best Freaking Tales of Game. Should be Game of the Year.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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6.0 hrs on record
I like this game despite the god awful camera that likes to spaz out when in transition between swimming and underwater. I just wish there'd been more. The ending is kind of bleh and doesn't really sum anything up. I give it a thumbs up just for how well the water effects were done, and I like the main character. It's well worth the current price.
Posted 16 October, 2021.
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6.3 hrs on record
A walking simulator with a generic story and a few badly placed jump scares. There's some weird action sequences, but you will spend most of the game either walking or running away from things and dying repeatedly because of bad level design.
Posted 29 January, 2021.
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36.7 hrs on record
This game is very badly optimized. If you can get it on the cheap, make sure you download a Large Address Aware program to allow the game to use more than 2gb of memory. Otherwise it will constantly crash on loading screens.

Great story overall, great characters, I love anything to do with timetravel. Ending is a cliffhanger so be aware. However, with this game, its definitely more about the journey than the destination.
Posted 26 January, 2021.
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60.9 hrs on record
Weird departure from the other two games in the series. Very heavy handed with religious themes. Overall good game, if not the weakest of the three. It took me a while to finish this game, the first time I got a bit too hung up on the timer. Honestly, as long as you finish the 5 main missions you find out that you have plenty of time. I did one mission per game day and then spent the last 4 days completing side quests. It seems like, oh crap I might fail this on my first playthrough but it's honestly not that bad. I can equate it to the timers in Persona. As long as you don't ♥♥♥♥ around, the game gives you plenty of time to finish, and if somehow you do fail, you end up starting again with all your levels and equipment. Thankfully I didn't need to.

Honestly, I think the ending to FF13-1 is good enough on it's own and doesn't need to be messed with, but they messed with it, then ended 13-2 on the cliffhanger, and 13-3 feels like it came out of left field because they had to do something. You can, however, start to see the beginnings of the battle system that became the base of FF15. Is it worth a play? Sure, but there's no real deep story in this one, and the ending is very Battlestar Galactica reboot. Pretty unique in terms of Final Fantasy Endings.
Posted 26 January, 2021.
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13.4 hrs on record
Great game, played it twice. Yes its a souls like game, but more souls lite, especially since it offers difficulty levels. I played on normal and very rarely died to enemies. The game is gorgeous, the story is epic, the combat feels gratifying, and hoping they make a sequel. Respawn really nailed this, as they do with most things.
Posted 21 January, 2021.
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5 people found this review helpful
558.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Was "The" space game once, but now you'd be hard pressed to find a server with more than 2 people playing the game, and you need other actual players, because the AI is duuuuumb. There were some great features. Manufacturing was great and you could set up some complex systems. Docking to stations via airlock docking was unique in space games of this type. The logic system allowed for everything from space elevators to vault doors. The ship and station design was unique with having to create power systems and weapon systems with attached blocks. People seemed really happy with the game. Then the devs fiddled with it. Feature after feature that no one asked for instead of fixing underlying game issues, promising integration with the steam workshop that never happened, and a whole host of other issues killed of the player base, and that was that.

So they tried to focus on single player aspect. Let me just say, this is not a single player game. The starmap is vast but there's nothing to discover other than minerals. As I said before, the AI is dumb and poses no real threat once you're ready to tackle them. Rush in with a good size ship, hit their station's core, they stop functioning. Rinse repeat. That's it. So unless you like minecraft graphics in space, go play Empyrion or Space Engineers if you want that kick from designing and building spaceships. Hell, go check out Dual Universe, who seem to be actively supporting a multiplayer game.

This game had its day, lost it's direction, and the last update from devs was in January, so, purchase at your own risk.
Posted 4 January, 2021.
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4,708.7 hrs on record (1,965.5 hrs at review time)
I dunno, do you think I like this game?
Posted 28 December, 2020.
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17.6 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
I got the game for $15 with a sale and some discount codes. I would be very angry if I paid full price. The single player story is cute and has some good moments, but it felt like they were designing a single player game and half way through they said, hey lets make this a Destiny Clone because the story is solid until the halfway point and then is seriously rushed to the point where I was super surprised when I clicked on the next mission and it told me that this was the final battle and was I ready.

The multiplayer is garbage btw. I tried a quickplay, any character, which says it's the fastest method, and it took 15 minutes to find a team. Desync was horrible to the point where other teammates appeared to be punching the air for most of the fight, and then the game crashed. Not a fan, if I want to grind gear I'll go play destiny. At least when you get new gear it makes some kind of appearance change to your character.

Anyway, if you can get the game for cheap, its worth playing through the story. Just wish there was more story and less multiplayer. Could have been as good as the Spiderman games but completely missed the point of what makes those games great.
Posted 30 November, 2020.
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