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Senaste recensioner av zeduke

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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
15.6 timmar totalt
I found this game very engaging. I love the music and the story of the game is really cool. It feels just like using a unix terminal. While it is obviously not real hacking, it is about as close as you can get without using real programs against real systems.
Upplagd 5 juli 2020.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
22.6 timmar totalt (20.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I knew I shouldn't have bought this game.. I KNEW what it was like. I bought it to play with a friend and i regretted the purchase almost instantly. The game is buggy and and terribly laggy unless your computer is a beast. several updates have come out since I started playing the game none of which fix any of the real issues.

They released a new map and weapon skins and emotes...... IT NEEDS TO BE OPTIMIZED, but they are only concerned with monetization at this point even though its a 30 dollar game. Dev's are clearly riding this cash cow into the ground and don't care about actually fixing the game.

Not worth the money. Don't waste your time.
Upplagd 6 april 2018.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
215.4 timmar totalt (155.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This is one of the most addicting games I have ever played. If you like programming and want to challenge yourself this is a must buy. Its really cool to watch your code come to life, which is something I felt was missing from programming in school. The sky is the limit as far as complexity, although you dont necessarily need the most complex code to play. You will feel fully invested in the outcome of your code.
Upplagd 19 februari 2018.
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3,196.4 timmar totalt (465.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Recension av CS:GO
The gameplay is nice in this game, but the best part is the available matchmaking and community servers. Being able to jump right into pug competetive games is fun and convenient, and the community is for the most part respectful and fun. Another great feature is deathmatch and gun-game are built in and there is a map workshop which makes it easy to download community maps. The on-going support for this game also makes it great. As if that wasn't enough, CS:GO often goes on sale and its only 15$ full price; there is no reason to not get this game.
Upplagd 3 mars 2013.
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