
Последние обзоры Columns III On the Mega Drive

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-The soundtrack is impossible to describe, but I could not live without it (Knuckles raps)
-Amazing Cutscenes (Amazing =/= Good)
-Chao are the most adorable things in the world and I love them
-You climb up a rocket getting ready to launch and then rip off a piece of it to use as a snowboard
-You will have fun (Sometimes)


-The gameplay is annoying as ♥♥♥♥ more often than not
-Story makes 0 sense
-Glitches everywhere
-Controls are awful (Mech levels are like wading though the worlds largest pool of syrup)

Overall this game is somehow good. I would compare it to Nier in terms of how it jumps from awful to amazing but I think that would piss off some nerds
Опубликовано 15 августа 2015 г..
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Really poorly optimised and no Online multiplayer.

Wait for a lot of updates before even considering this game, probably alright on Xbax/PS4 though.
Опубликовано 26 апреля 2014 г..
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No Online is ass, but it's still a good quality fighting game.

Just buy it to avoid another Klonoa situation and hope for CS/Chonophantasma
Опубликовано 17 февраля 2014 г..
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