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Postat: 29 apr. 2011 la 3:41
Actualizat: 20 apr. 2020 la 3:38

Why can't I quit you, Amnesia?

First I beat the game to say I beat it. Not gonna lie--it got the adrenaline going.
Then I beat it again for the lulz while trolling the Grunts. Less scary; bit more entertaining.
Next I didn't even bother with the lantern. Daniel, please get off the floor, a Grunt is after you.
THEN they bring out achievements. Did them all, and damn all those tinderboxes.
AND THEN, ages later, they bring out Hard Mode. My ODC demanded I play through it once more. No Regrets.

The game may have a stigma thanks to... some fine internet folks, but Amnesia still reigns supreme for me and stands the test of time where other horror games faltered.
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