Ferox   South Australia, Australia
3:06 PM - ^0Fe^2r^0ox Ten^2eb^0rae: helo Dr
3:06 PM - Dr. Rasor: lol sup tenbrae
3:06 PM - ^0Fe^2r^0ox Ten^2eb^0rae: i am having some headaches can you help me
3:07 PM - ^0Fe^2r^0ox Ten^2eb^0rae: perscibe me some druggs
3:07 PM - Dr. Rasor: smoke sum weed, sniff some coke
3:07 PM - Dr. Rasor: you'll be right
3:07 PM - ^0Fe^2r^0ox Ten^2eb^0rae: thank you docter
3:07 PM - Dr. Rasor: baha

8:04 PM - ^0Pro^2Tek^0| Ferox Tenebrae: a mmo
8:04 PM - ^4Legend: mmo?
8:04 PM - ^0Pro^2Tek^0| Ferox Tenebrae: masive multiplaer online
8:04 PM - ^0Pro^2Tek^0| Ferox Tenebrae: well mmorpg
8:04 PM - ^4Legend: kk is i shooting game?
8:04 PM - ^0Pro^2Tek^0| Ferox Tenebrae: no
8:04 PM - ^4Legend: what then>?

Ferox: why* don't you buy it yourself*
gift me cod4?: y dont u gift me?
Ferox: why don't you get a job
gift me cod4?: why do u get a job
Ferox: i do have a job
Ferox: that why i got cod4
Ferox: cause i not poor and can afford nice things
gift me cod4?: im different
Ferox: as in special?
Ferox: diffrent in the head?
gift me cod4?: yea
Ferox: always new it
gift me cod4?: i know
gift me cod4?: or..did i
gift me cod4?: so u can gift me
Ferox: no
gift me cod4?: rand
Ferox: ♥♥♥♥♥♥
gift me cod4?: ^^keyboard warrior
Ferox: poor kid
gift me cod4?: mmhmm
Ferox: do you have a house or is it just a carboard box?
Ferox: is that why you can't afford cod 4
gift me cod4?: ok deal 1v1 qs if i win u buy me cod4 if i lose i buy u a game the same price as cod4 and yes i live in a cardbox
Ferox: cause you need it to rent out your carboardbox
Ferox: how about you get a job so you can buy it yourself?
gift me cod4?: NO
Chat with Fuzion

Ferox: you there?
AvengerDawgz: no
AvengerDawgz: im not
Ferox: okay
Ferox: tell me when you on

Ferox: you heard the joke that they don't tell ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?
OffensiveUsername: No
Ferox: thought so

Ferox: do you ever stop playing that game
♛ Froggy: No
♛ Froggy: Body Morfed into froggy 2.0
♛ Froggy: allowing me to play 24/7
Ferox: -_-
Ferox: you need to get laid
♛ Froggy: if a random girl offered that to me odds are ill'd say no
Currently Online
MYCЯO 18 Jan, 2011 @ 4:26am